44 Questions 254 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Aryan Shahabian
Simple search in Google Scholar shows that since 1960-70 many articles in peer-reviewed journals have supported various desirable effects of Transcendental Meditation (TM) but some people here and...
01 January 2020 3,237 3 View
I live and study in Vienna, Austria. You know Austria is a wealthy and developed country, and Vienna is well-known for high standards and quality of living and it has been on the top of the list...
12 December 2019 5,876 11 View
ETABS is a well-known software program for structural engineering. It claims to check the design with valid standards. However, as it is not open-source it's not very clear how it processes the...
10 October 2019 8,727 8 View
I would appreciate it if you could support your answers with examples and links to the relevant literature sources.
09 September 2019 480 5 View
I've used glm with backwards elimination to assess importance and interactions of multiple factors (independent variables) in a research in the field of architectural engineering. The independent...
09 September 2019 2,405 1 View
Could you explain the difference between each pair and bring examples of their usage?
08 August 2019 2,722 5 View
I'm looking for a free and user-friendly tool. I'm familiar with python (and a bit R). Thank you
08 August 2019 6,664 5 View
I know that comparison of these terms may require more than one question but I would appreciate it if you could briefly define each and compare with relevant ones.
08 August 2019 5,343 6 View
I'd appreciate it if you support your reply by referring to valid references.
08 August 2019 5,602 8 View
I'm looking for a free tool to perform two way kruskal wallis test. Thanks
08 August 2019 4,494 3 View
What criteria determines whether something should remain in the main text or should become an appendix?
08 August 2019 8,553 5 View
I have run a number of time-consuming complex simulations: -approx. 200 samples -input parameters are not definable as simple numerical values (they are like: low, mid, high, etc.) So, input...
07 July 2019 5,357 7 View
In many tall buildings, parts of primary structural elements and/or the curtain-walls are above the occupied space and the roof. See this image as a clear example :...
06 June 2019 10,035 8 View
In many PhD dissertations there's one research question that the whole research tries to answer. However, others have addressed multiple interrelated or compound research questions; e.g., they may...
05 May 2019 8,826 13 View
What are the links in their definitions? How do you interconnect them? What are their similarities or differences? ... I would be grateful if you could reply by referring to valid scientific...
04 April 2019 9,696 12 View
"There are ways to write a passing dissertation without using a thesis statement. Dissertations can be formulated around problem statements, research objectives or research...
04 April 2019 4,247 6 View
For somebody who already knows some programming skills and languages, what are the best and fastest strategies to master other programming languages?
04 April 2019 4,644 19 View
"Whereas the short-term impact of AI depends on who controls it, the long-term impact depends on whether it can be controlled at all." - Stephen Hawking What are the key principles and parameters...
04 April 2019 3,819 3 View
It has been clarified--to some extents--how to cite e-mail communications from "individuals". For instance, in APA...
04 April 2019 1,821 3 View
Please reply by referring to valid scientific papers or reasoning. Thanks
04 April 2019 3,769 9 View
I am looking for information and practical examples on how to perform and use sensitivity analysis in engineering sciences -- namely in building physics, structural engineering, mechanical...
03 March 2019 6,350 10 View
Many encyclopedias have defined "global warming". What is the most concise and accurate definition of global warming? Why is it important and how does it connect with climate change and...
03 March 2019 9,265 10 View
How (un)predictable is the future? Why do we try to predict the future in engineering sciences? How effective is performing Life-Cycle Assessment aiming to fulfill the sustainable development...
03 March 2019 5,332 48 View
In particular I'm looking for conferences in Europe and with the theme of sustainable architecture, civil engineering or building physics.
03 March 2019 9,528 8 View
Please compare various common programs, e.g., ETABS, TEKLA, etc. as well as the new generation of parametric ones, e.g., Karamba, Kangaroo, etc. Please reply by referring to valid scientific papers.
02 February 2019 2,390 26 View
I would like to know for instance the likelihood of +4° in 2100.
01 January 2019 1,034 6 View
Here I'm specifically looking for data about "curing" phase. I would appreciate it if you could also cite references.
01 January 2019 1,515 5 View
I'm looking for the ratios of cement : sand : aggregates + water. Please reply by referring valid references.
01 January 2019 1,031 10 View
When arguing please use scientific sources for culture and for leadership. Combine your view and the cited scientists' views. Also, please give concrete advices for enabling countries to become...
01 January 2019 833 4 View
I use the ICE version 2 by the university of Bath. It's easy to use and based on valid methodology but it's a bit old. I would appreciate it if you could introduce a new database.
01 January 2019 9,090 8 View
There are discussions debating pros and cons of using the words "I", "we", "you", "my", "our", etc. in academic writing. Here are just a couple of...
07 July 2018 9,162 4 View
A doctoral research may start with a question regarding gaps in the relevant literature. Then, the researcher defines or explores conceptual/analytical framework and methodology in order to answer...
06 June 2018 7,902 0 View
Can analytical framework be used in quantitative research? If yes, what is its relationship with methodology?
06 June 2018 10,000 0 View
Please list the journals you have actually worked with.
06 June 2018 4,935 14 View
What are the pros and cons of using simulation as a research method namely in (mechanical/structural) engineering sciences? How necessary is it to triangulate simulation with other research...
01 January 2018 7,084 4 View
I would appreciate it if you could provide the minimum cover to reinforcement depth for columns, beams and shear walls in Dubai referring to local building/structural codes.
08 August 2017 8,678 6 View
Dear All, Analyzing and designing a high rise structure (diagrid with a core) using etabs, the program detects the diagrid elements as "bracings". Defining the cross sections of the elements, I'm...
07 July 2017 8,530 2 View
"SEISMIC DESIGN CODE FOR DUBAI" (Dubal MUnicipality, 2013), introduces 6 Soil Classes: (A. Hard rock, B. Rock, C. Very dense soil and soft rock, D. Stiff soil, E. Soft clay soil, F. Soils...
02 February 2017 1,351 9 View
Actually I am looking for a tool (preferably free), to determine quickly if a cross-section of a concrete structure would be large enough to place required reinforcement within its area.. Imagine...
01 January 2017 4,817 3 View
I am looking for a list of amounts of embodied energy in different strength classes of concrete (e.g. c30/37, c40/50, c60/75, etc.). I could find some data about embodied carbon but nothing about...
01 January 2017 7,976 1 View
I am trying to simulate the effect of earthquake on a tall structure in Dubai via applying 10 percent of gravity loads in horizontal direction. The simulation shouldn't be very accurate but at the...
10 October 2016 1,258 9 View
Design researches are commonly done by group of researchers or participants. What if an individual does it?
01 January 2016 3,312 6 View
This may sound like a chicken and egg problem as new questions are usually based on previous answers. In my understanding, nowadays that many answers could be found via simple googling, asking...
01 January 1970 4,935 15 View
6th Vienna young Scientists Symposium, TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Austria June 25-26, 2020 Consisting of four mini-symposia, the symposium has an overall theme of "Technology,...
01 January 1970 4,552 9 View