Hi, I am working with NGS data and I want to run my tools and pipelines on Ubuntu 20.04.1. Is anybody know how much disk space I need for working with following scenarios?
1. Processing the FASTQ and BAM files for 20 human genomic data, derived from targeted sequencing panel with 300X depth of coverage (let’s say 25 genes).
2. Processing the FASTQ and BAM files for 5 human genomic data, derived from WES with 120X depth of coverage.
3. Processing the FASTQ and BAM files for 1 human genomic data, derived from WGS with 30X depth of coverage.
4. Processing the FASTQ and BAM files for 1 human genomic data, derived from PacBio Sequel II WGS.
May I use my external hard drive for data storage while working with Ubuntu?
I’m looking for disk and partitions configuration while installing Ubuntu (i.e. general disk space for OS, home directory, and swap). However, I received some comments on no need for assigning swap in Ubuntu 20.04.1!