I once tried HEPES lysis buffer for tissue lysis to obtain protein. After homogenization and sonication , i centrifused and collected the supernatant for protein as per the protocol. but later on again pellet was formed. why is this pellet again and again in supernatant too? . In order to confirm wht is this pellet . I ran a gel for B-ACTIN consisting on supernatant , that pellet solution and mixture of both in each well.. In that i got nice band for supernatant but a less intence band in the pellet solution .. so its clear that supernatant should be considered for for western . the main question is why is that pellet is forming again and again after centrifugation? .. Now i am using 8M urea buffer and all works fine.. is there any specific reasons for the use of urea buffer for western blotting ???? Is the use of urea buffer can hamper the quality of band in western blotting? Thank you in advance.

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