I'm trying to cultivate PBMC (fresh or frozen) for 7 days and I don't see monocytes (CD14+) anymore at the end of the culture.
here is my protocol so far:
PBMC fresh: Ficoll and retrieve of the cellular ring.
or PBMC frozen
culture in 96 well plae U shape at 2x10^5 PBMC per 100uL in
+ fetal calf serum
+ PS
+ glutamin
+ sodium pyruvate
+ sodium bicarbonate
+ non-essentiel amino acids
I need to stimulate them with a non toxic compound during the first 24 hours then do a wash out and let them rest for 7 days.
My compound is supposed to modify my monocyte activities but I can see them anymore.
have you any advice? Why am I losing the monocytes?
thanks in advance