Dear Colleagues and academy,

I am conducting an action research study to understand the impact of phonological awareness activities using Quizlet and Boom on the reading comprehension skills of 4th grade EFL students. This research is intended to be applied to students currently in 4th grade at a primary school.

According to the simple view of reading, phonological awareness is crucial for acquiring efficient reading skills. In my context, this is where the gap needs to be bridged.

However, I have been questioned about the extent of reading comprehension in my action research, as reading comprehension may be considered too broad a topic. For this reason, I am asking for your guidance on how to clarify this issue. My thesis statement is supported by theory, but there still remains a conflict that needs to be explained. Could you please provide suggestions on how I can better address this conflict in my research proposal?

Any information, research or papers to be shared would be deeply appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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