I would like to test certain bacteria, yeast and mould against various liquid anti-microbials using the disk diffusion test. The anti-microbials are made in-house and are thus not available in commercial impregnated disks. The current way of testing is just to place the blank sterile disk in the middle of an inoculated agar plate and then apply the anti-microbial liquid to the disk using a pipette. The problem with this method is that only 10 ul of solution can be added to the disk before it floods (I think this is because the disk starts to absorb moisture from the agar as soon as it makes contact thus reducing how much liquid it can hold). In some cases using only 10 ul results in very small zones of inhibition. Can I maybe place the disks in a empty sterile petri dish or such and then apply the antimicrobial solution to the disk and allow it to absorb before placing on the plate? Also if I do it that way should I allow the disk to dry first or apply it to the plate while still moist?