03 March 2015 12 4K Report

Hi all, 

I just moved to a new lab and started cell cultures again. We are culturing hippocampal neurons from E18 rat embryos. The cells seem to mature at normal rate and I can see synaptic activity already at DIV 11 (yay!). However, I saw a lot of round circles on the coverslips. Attached is a picture of the neurons at DIV 7. Do any of you know what could be the origin of these things? I think they are most likely dead cells since the size is about that of neurons, and I can also saw some similar texture that have the shape of a soma. But it is really weird since they do not disappear over time even after we change media, they do not go away. Do you think they are harmful for the other alive neurons? In the past, I saw these when we do Banker style and I thought the astrocytes layer somehow prevent liquid flow in between but this time we only have neurons. How can we get rid of them? Any experience or advice would be greatly appreciated!!! :) Thank you all! 



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