04 April 2014 20 2K Report

I just started doing electrophysiology since last year and now interest in learning about the zinc sensitivity of AMPAR mediated mini EPSC. For this goal, I am trying to record from dissociated cultured embryonic hippocampal neurons at DIV 14-17. We use Banker configuration to keep the neurons fairly healthy (co-cultured with rat astrocyte). My recording solutions are: tyrodes (hepes based buffer ~ 250 mOs) for the bath and cesium gluconate (~ 240 mOs) for the pipette. I also have PTX, TTX and APV in the bath to isolate AMPA mediated currents from the others.

In doing so, I have several challenges below. It would be great to have your advice/ recommendation of how to overcome them. Or, just to hear that someone also experienced these difficulties and how they dealt with that.

- Unstable baseline: I could record some decent EPSC traces from normal neurons, with no perfusion. However, when I tried to record on either transfected cells or to perfuse the ZnCl2 during recording, the baseline just looks really not so nice. The combination of the two (transfected + perfusing) is even worse. Do you have any strategy to keep the baseline stable, or to keep the transfected neurons healthy? I am using calcium phosphate to transfect neurons at DIV 9. The protocol is pretty much identical to the one in this paper.


- Distinguish between an increase in frequency versus amplitude: In my luckiest day, I got a few recording on the untransfected neurons with zinc perfusion and maybe saw more frequent events during zinc treatment. Please see the attached file for an example. I wanted to analyze whether the zinc affects frequency and amplitude of the AMPA EPSC. What softwares or codes would you recommend for this kind of analysis? I am thinking about mini analysis but it is kind of expensive. The clampfit did not work really well (or maybe I am not so good at using it). Also, how do you know if the drug actually increase the frequency or it just increases the amplitude of the events that were small?

- Inconsistent response: Among the cells that I recorded from, some of them seemed to respond to zinc and some of them do not. I am wondering if this is a cell type dependent effect. Other than doing post-hoc staining, how would you try to narrow down the neuron population to patch on? I am trying to only patch on only pyramidal neurons, but there shape of the neurons are so diverse and there are not many typical pyramidal-looking ones.

- Low density: last but not least, it looks like my culture is quite sparse. This is shown by the fact that there are only a few cells (usually less than 10) in an 40x field of view. We plated 900 000 cells on a 100 mm petri dishes that contain 6 of 22 mm coverslips. We later flip the coverslips into the 60 mm dishes coated with astrocytes. I also found that the frequency of the EPSC is quite low. Usually less than 1 event every second. I am a bit hesitant to increase the density since it could affect the transfection efficiency, and sometimes the denser neurons just require too frequent media change. What is the ideal density that one should aim for to have nice and active culture?

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