09 September 2016 4 879 Report

Hi everyone, my labmate and I have been trying to clone a few shRNA constructs in the past 2 months. We encountered quite a few issues and only successfully cloned 2 out of 18 constructs so far. I would like to ask for some advice from you. Thank you so much in advanced! Below are my questions and link to brief description of our protocol + result. Please let me know if there is anything else you'd like to know. 



- Our high background indicated that the CIP didn't work very reliably and that the vectors were not fully digested by both enzymes. How to fix this? Maybe to use other phosphatase? serially digest the vectors? 

- Do you have recommendations on how to make sure CIP works properly? If not CIP, how to efficiently get rid of/reduce the background?

- What is your protocol for annealing the oligos (temperature setting, buffer, concentration to start with, etc)? 

- How effective is the phosphorylation with T4 PNK? How to tell if the reactions actually work? Maybe by running gel?

- Did you follow NEB recommendation for total DNA concentration during ligation? If not, what did you usually use? And what is the optimal ratio of vector:insert?

- Out of the 9 positive clones that we got, 3 of them have some sort of mutations. Could the bacteria be accounted for this? If so, which other competent cells are better?

- Our successful constructs are for the same domains on two proteins. Could there be a favor toward these oligos? How to enhance the success rate of the others?

Link to protocol and result is attached! Thank you all!


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