11 November 2012 20 3K Report

I am trying to measure intracellular calcium in blood lymphocyte and colonic smooth muscle cells. Usually Lymphocytes don't attach on glass coverslip. So I am using poly-l-lysine to enhance lymphocyte attachment. Short protocol is 30 mins incubation with poly-l-lysine followed by washout 3 time and drying of coverslip. Then I seed 50000-100000 cells/mL on the coverslip followed by 5-10 mins incubation. Then I keep the petridishes for overnight incubation. But during the experiment cells disappeared, which means they don't attach properly. How can I improve lymphocyte adherence?

Same problem with smooth muscle cells. They don't adhere properly. Can I use Poly-L-Lysine for smooth muscle cells? Can you recommend a good protocol?

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