I haven't come across papers in which MEGA is used... Do you know any good journal article which conducted phylogenetic inference studies with MEGA software?
MEGA is a great program and Sudhir Kumar who has been working on it for many years really know his stuff. It has been cited several thousand times, it is free, it carries out most of the standard phylogenetic analyses and also interacts with internet resources. It is indeed a fine program. There are some other, more specialist programs out there that you might want for particular kinds of analysis, but for sure MEGA5 is a pretty fine program.
nothing wrong. I wanna see how touched the isssues relavent to the statisctis, citations etc with MEGA only. I am a begineer in this research, started with MEGA. It seems very nice program. Could you send me your article if there is no mind to see the details about MEGA analyisis etc.?
We've used MEGA in our publication in Mycologia (Mycologia July/August 2011 vol. 103 no. 4 806-819). The authors of the software are highly regarded in the field, and will actually respond to inquiries if you're wondering about a particular analysis. It's also the software that's recommended in the 3rd and 4th editions of "Phylogenetic Trees made Easy," a very nice handbook. Also, MEGA5 is free!
MEGA is a great program and Sudhir Kumar who has been working on it for many years really know his stuff. It has been cited several thousand times, it is free, it carries out most of the standard phylogenetic analyses and also interacts with internet resources. It is indeed a fine program. There are some other, more specialist programs out there that you might want for particular kinds of analysis, but for sure MEGA5 is a pretty fine program.
MEGA is one of the easy quite complete tool that exists for phylogeny. it includes a lot of different methods and a tree editor that makes life much easier for phylogeneticians! I used it in at least 4 or 5 papers.
Just to be clear: MEGA 5 does in fact perform model-based maximum likelihood analyses. Not every kind of likelihood analysis, but it does perform ML analyses.
Mega is a commonly used software for phylogenetic analysis. You can have an idea about its application from the citation of each version of the software.
MEGA is simple to use and user friendly phylogenetic tool. one can find n numbers of good papers where MEGA has been used. One example can be find using following link: http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1001234
Yeh! Correct, MEGA is one of the widely used s/w for application in genetic diversity studies and phylogeney tree construction.It is equally important for many others aspects of genetics like analyzing mutations, translational of nucleic acid sequences to amino acid sequence and many more......
I am not an expert in phylogenetics by any means, however, for the sequence analyses in which I have been involved, it has proven to be very effective. Attractive features from my perspective include: the colourful and convenient manner in which it handles sequence alignments, allowing for very easy manual editing, flipping between DNA and AA sequences, and sequence by sequence reverse complementing i.e. you can reverse complement a single sequence in a larger aligned group, leaving the others in the same orientation. It's very format friendly, allowing easy import/export in various formats, and handle various types of phylogenetic analyses and tree construction/editing with ease. As others have indicated, it is widely used/cited by the scientific community. I have successfully used it in publications, and will continue to do so, currently working with versin 5.
MEGA5 is very common tool software for constructing some phylogenetic relationship of bio (eg, insect) , I found many articles related to genetic analysis mentioned this software
I think the above comments say it all - MEGA 5 is great, that along with MrBayes and Phylip covers most needs. You can do NJ, ML, parsimony and minimum evolution type trees. Also with regards to MEGA 5 - you get an alignment tool, alignment editor, dN/dS calculator, a find best model program for ML analysis etc. also you can use it as a "data mining tool" similar to DAMBE by downloading sequences via various blast options. Overall MEGA is a "must have" package.
Have you tried searching via Google Scholar for the publication by Tamura et al. 2011 ("MEGA5: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis using maximum likelihood, evolutionary distance, and maximum parsimony methods") and then using the "cited by" option? By this, you should get plenty of good articles citing MEGA.
Mega is a very reliable phylogenetic program which can allow you to perform many analyses. It is very convenient and compatible with other software. Also there are many researchers who are using the software or have published their works based on the program so all in all it is one of the best free programs to go for in phylogeny.
I would also recommend the BEAST if you are attempting to perform bayesian analyses on your data.
if you are referring to using a nexus format in Mega, in Mega 5 you are provided with the option of opening the *.nex file in the program and then convert it into a *.meg extension and work with on it. Just remember to check the converted file as there might be unwanted changes. So checking comes first. But it usually works very well.