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Questions related to Phylogenetics
For my master thesis I am conducting a phylogenetic research and for this I'm using tools like MEGA, IQTREE, FigTree, etc to make a phylogenetic tree. I wanted to know if IQTREE integrates the...
15 February 2021 1,792 2 View
Hi all, Considering that one has the whole genome sequence (annotated) of a bacterium and wants to know if it has the potential to cause human diseases, what steps would you recommend...
27 January 2021 8,952 3 View
Hi all, I am interested to do a comparative genome analysis using EDGAR comparitive genomic tool. I have a novel bacteria whose genome sequence was obtained by us and now I was to do compare this...
11 November 2020 3,734 3 View
Plants of the World is the first book to systematically explore every vascular plant family on earth—more than four hundred and fifty of them—organized in a modern phylogenetic order.
28 October 2020 505 3 View
Need a detailed tutorial on XLSTAT ( Input type format, output file, drawing conclusions etc) Unable to find online.
08 October 2020 7,021 4 View
I would like to analyse fish gut bacteria by the Functional analysis by Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States (PICRUSt). How is this analysis done?
05 September 2020 3,252 1 View
I am trying to infer both maximum likelihood and bayesian phylogenetic trees using RADseq reads. I have already created my sets of radtags using Ipyrad which also I used to export the consesus...
25 August 2020 8,044 8 View
Which is one is better in between 16S rRNA and microsatellite phylogentic study?
29 July 2020 1,860 2 View
I have a small data set consisting of 16 sequences, 919bp each. I am trying to determine the phylogenetic relationship among the individuals. I am wondering if the neighbor-joining method, maximum...
16 July 2020 3,445 8 View
I am an undergraduate and I would like to broaden my knowledge on this subject, beginning by its principles. Maybe it would help that purpose to broaden my knowledge on Phylogenetics as well....
09 June 2020 1,535 2 View
Using IQTREE I received the most optimum models for my data to analyse phylogenetic tree-reconstruction. IQTREE is able to use, aside from the Gamma distribution for heterogeneity across sites...
01 June 2020 2,628 4 View
I want to determine the phylogenetic age of the members of the Lepidoptera (Sphingidae) based on mtDNA, using BEAST software; But I do not have a good indicator. Please what is mutation rate in...
29 March 2020 1,759 3 View
Greetings from Brazil I've been searching for the most appropriate gene to determine the phylogenetic relationship among Gram-negative bacteriophages and I've found several options, such as...
16 March 2020 1,061 5 View
I am looking for an abundance weighted phylogenetic diversity index. Barker (2002; Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 76, 165-194) adapted the faith index to incorporate also...
12 February 2020 3,981 1 View
I have constructed phylogenetic tree in Mega software (attaching snapshot), importing 'FASTA format' data from NCBI. According to editor, Nodes labelling should be in order: Genus, species,...
02 February 2020 2,293 4 View
Hi, I'm new to Phylogenetics. How do i draw interpretations & evaluate the attached Phylogeny tree? For example, - what are the types of information that can be derived from this...
02 February 2020 2,288 3 View
I have four whole genomes sequencing of E. coli isolates , and I wanna to classify in phylogenetics groups. Whats is the best ways? Thanks.
25 January 2020 7,527 3 View
01 January 2020 4,761 1 View
I have a set of trees and am using Blomberg's K to detect phylogenetic signal. I am finding that for several of them, my values for K are close to 0 (in the region of K = 0.001 - 0.004) which...
06 December 2019 6,573 1 View
Good days to all the comunity. I'm doing works on trait evolution at interspecific level and I'm having problems with philogenetic tests. I need some easy tutorials for phylogenetic regressions...
20 November 2019 3,387 5 View
Greetings, Can anyone help me with a bootstrap resampling problem in TNT? I am currently running an analysis with TNT in a data matrix composed by morphological characters (105 discrete and 25...
24 October 2019 6,855 3 View
I'm a third year uni student, and have an assignment to do on phylogenetics. We can choose any question to ask as long as it can be answered with a phylogenetic tree. We will then search for data...
10 October 2019 5,024 3 View
For phylogenetic studies, it is good to choose orthologous genes instead of paralogous genes. My question is, How to recognize whether a gene is orthologous or paralogous? Can you please give...
10 October 2019 5,999 4 View
10 October 2019 4,166 3 View