23 Questions 119 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Buhara Yucesan
There should be variable activities depending on plant species. This question may also be asked as What is the benefit of night for the plants (C3, C4, CAM, C3-C4 etc).
09 September 2016 3,043 5 View
Could you give some pratictical knowledge on stevia germination under in vitro and ex vitro conditions?
10 October 2013 2,312 5 View
I would like to estimate stevioside and rebaudiosid A content in dried leaf materials using HPLC. Could you reccomend me an efficient extraction protocol and appropriate HPLC conditions for that?
08 August 2013 9,712 5 View
I am in trouble with this contamination-like formation (please see the attached file). I transferred plants from the jars having this whitish formation into new ones containing different...
08 August 2013 8,904 5 View
I am using Dionex ultimate 3000 fraction collector and try to isolate some target peaks. But, it seems tiring/boring job when you cannot acheive it exactly. Do you know tips that makes it easier?
05 May 2013 3,344 5 View
There are plenty of papers involving phytochemical analysis for certain plant species. Moreover, target compounds isolated different plant organs produced in vitro or collected from different...
04 April 2013 8,534 4 View
In the picture given below, there are encapsulated tissues. All green plantlets were derived from same donor plant after 3 weeks encapsulation initiation. The outermost empty petri plates are also...
03 March 2013 9,246 47 View
Do you have any tips for long term storage of sodium alginate beads - including shoot tip, somatic embryo etc.-, whether at room temperature or at 2-4 C in fridge?
02 February 2013 4,057 3 View
Clonal propagation or micropropagation techniques have been widely used over many plant species. In general at the end of studies, we come to the conclusion that "high efficient regeneration...
01 January 2013 1,082 9 View
I'd like to work on breeding and propagation techniques of this species. It is known as super fruit due its metabolites occurring fruits. Could you provide me such documents concerning market...
12 December 2012 9,221 0 View
Callus cultures in plant regeneration systems are sometimes useful for conservation. Moreover, they are capable of new variants. What do you think about secondary metabolite production from callus...
12 December 2012 8,208 8 View
What type of regeneration system do you prefer in a plant tissue culture study? What are the (dis-)advantages of the systems that you have been encountered so far?
12 December 2012 6,886 5 View
Do you have any idea/methods for in vitro flowering techniques? I am working on a highly regenerative invasive plant. I would like to try flowering in vitro.
11 November 2012 6,477 11 View
Since there is no certain way to achieve for plant regeneration systems, trial&error method is only way to check it. However, some combinations of auxin and cytokinins such as BA and NAA, TDZ and...
11 November 2012 1,617 13 View
DAD is almost twice expensive than UV dedector. Is there any significant difference in analysis (i.e. natural compounds in plant extracts) when comparing these two?
10 October 2012 3,649 11 View
Is it feasible to purchase a fraction collector system (FCS) for analytical HPLC? Since the sample collected in vials were quite low concentrations, it might be problematic for mass spectro...
10 October 2012 9,804 10 View
We would like to buy an HPLC system but I do not have any experience with preparative HPLC. We aim to analyse secondary metabolites from medicinal plants, collecting the compounds and then...
09 September 2012 10,106 15 View
Please follow the attachment... is evolution far from perfection? Because the objects produced by the engineer, approach the level of perfection made possible the technology of the time or...
09 September 2012 7,372 1 View
I am working on natural population of Digitalis (foxglove species). inflorescense axis and bracts of species A (D. lanata) densely villouse like wool. However, at higher altitudes (6 versus 1100...
09 September 2012 1,768 1 View
As far as I understand, networks illustrate the alternative histories. In which points of phylogenetic trees, the use of networks might be feasible to draw a conclusion about the history of evolution?
08 August 2012 5,163 4 View
I prepared a callus induction medium for a foxglove species, and leaf explants were used for callus formation. These callus were moved another media for shoot formation. I got the shoots from...
08 August 2012 2,909 14 View
I have a sequence belonging to a protein, when I submitted using Megablast option but it never matches with homologous proteins. However, using Blastn option it matches with the proteins I am...
07 July 2012 2,596 1 View
I haven't come across papers in which MEGA is used... Do you know any good journal article which conducted phylogenetic inference studies with MEGA software? Thanks
06 June 2012 3,591 29 View