Our lab has developed a standard curve with known concentration that we use to determine our ELISA concentrations. We then multiply by the dilution factor for our final concentration.
Recently, I had really high binding samples, some which fell outside the standard range so I diluted the samples from 1:100 to 1:1000. Expectedly, the absorbances decreased, for example from 0.4 OD to 0.04 OD. However, the conversion using the standard curve equation gave us concentrations of ~9000 ng/ml [1:100] vs.~7 ng/ml [1:1000]. After multiplying for dilution factor, the 1:1000 concentration seems really low. I can't understand the explanation for this.
I have discounted calculation errors, standard curve error [R2=0.999 for both plates] + my plate's blank wells and positive controls are consistent in their absorbance values.
Is there another way to approach my thinking about the standard curve?
Thank you all for your insights!