the notion of people paying money to be awarded their MA'S, MPHIL'S, PHD.S etc in academia has become major concerns among the general public recently. do you share the same sentiments with the public?
Corruption may exist whereever are two persons or more.
(To Peter Grieptink), There are many people without a title who are able to fool others. The worst is when the person really has the titles and yet it does not look like it.
Well I don't have any empirical evidence to conclude that there is academia corruption. But what matters is for you to prove your professional compentence when you are called to duty. On the other hand, some academicians genuinely acquired their certificates yet they can deliver.
Yes. I agree that there is a very great concern about what has been happening. I know of a case in my country where the title of master was canceled, since the student had plagiarized some of the work and the rest was done by another person for payment.
Corruption may exist in the academia, and may play out under different umbrellas such as plagiarism, forged certificate with or without the knowledge of an insider, bribing lecturers for marks etc. It is the prerogative of Universities to sanitize their institution and uphold a universal standard across board and maintain its integrity. Erring lecturers should also be punished appropriately.
Corruption has become academic disease & has spread the touch of academic ,business & commercial houses ,banking , & also have an indirect touch with the political & social environment . In case of academic field ,in the early time no student were knowing that where the examination papers has reached for examine . Due to this student are waiting for this result & they have to get satisfied with their performance.
With their present environment ,system ,& practice students are fully aware to find out the name of professor ,or all the university ,employees/members & their shake hands with them prove to be a success line for the student.This is what I have observed in the papers & also talk from the student .
Corruption is the second name for the world.It exists everywhere ,every time and every place including the academic world where it operates slowly,silently but surely.......
Corruption may exist whereever are two persons or more.
(To Peter Grieptink), There are many people without a title who are able to fool others. The worst is when the person really has the titles and yet it does not look like it.
Colleagues have posted insightful responses. ''A man who has never gone to school may steal a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.''
Corruption, especially the dimension you are taking about will continue to raise its ugly head in the academics. The simple reason is the priority given to Certificate rather than knowledge'. In some university, only professors are recognize as the real academia. Unfortunately, this has led to a situation where every academia want to get there by all means.
Yes corruption exist in academia, students impersonate to take admission tests, news of leaked exam questions and also people submits forged credentials.
Academic corruption in Russia is extensively spread; it is not an isolated phenomenon. Rather, academic corruption is tightly embedded into the general corruption in society: in politics, business, and in everyday life. This paper illustrates some common types of cheating and corruption as well as the motives of the involved actors for applying, accepting, ignoring and/or pretending to ignore these activities. Why is corruption in higher education so prevalent? The improper dependences of all the involved actors might it possible. Compared to people without a university education, graduates have better chances on the job market. Some university lecturers might expect bribes in order to return the investments they have made into their own studies. Other university lecturers might water down their requirements and try to be more tolerant, especially to students who are looking for a formal certificate rather than for an education, or who might need to have more time for other activities. If university administrators would receive the same budget from the state, the reduction of staff and lecturers would be not necessary. Why are studies on corruption in education so important? Younger generations are expected to make changes rather than continuing the old systems. During their studies, young people complete their socialization by acquiring, among other things, more techniques of corrupt behavior and a tolerance for corruption. In Russia more than 80% of all young people go on to university and almost all of them finish it. Over the next decades, the spread of corruption in the country might be forecast. This might be very destructive, both on the short-term and the long-term perspectives. The consequences for academia, business and society might be dire.",...
Please, see the attached paper for the rest of the article...
Yes, because when one is supposed to go through a process diligently and he/she tries to sway through dubious ways the system is been corrupted. The leak of examination papers, the exchange of grades with money or sex within the academic sector are all contributing factors to academic corruption.
I indeed share in the opinion that there is a high degree of academic dishonesty. It starts with one person, then it becomes sort of "accepted" because no one says anything, so more people imitate at times in order to belong; and it becomes a canker. From a psychological point of view, since personality traits stay almost the same across the lifespan (with few modifications), individuals who become corrupt in academia were liable to personality disorders. Their moral identities are questionable and the surrounding circumstances they find themselves in are all contributing factors to their disorders. They are individuals who may have low self esteem and may want a boost through fair or foul means. They are unable to see unethical acts as such since they go through a process of disengagement of moral agency. Since they do not see the effect of their corrupt act tangibly, they do not consider it as an ethical issue; no one directly gets hurt with me buying an MPhil certificate so why all the fuss?
interesting! I think one of the respondents says academia corruption is a third world thing. I think that claim is naive and perhaps corrupt in itself. So many things define an act as corruption including lack of diversity in a university hiring and admission policies. this problem is observed in third world as it is observed in the first world. Besides, corruption is a symptom of a dysfunctional system. Therefore, those who commit act of corruption are themselves victims of the system. We are witnesses to corruption in all spheres of human endeavour. It has cost us societal and personal losses. we should do something about it.
"Role of universities in the fight against corruption
Marcus Tannenberg
Last September, a declaration aimed at mainstreaming ethics and anti-corruption in higher education was endorsed by the 68 member universities of the Compostela Group of Universities and subsequently also by the World University Consortium and the World Academy of Art and Science, a global network of 700+ university professors.
The Poznan Declaration is a first important step for higher education in joining governments, businesses and civil society in the global fight against corruption. And it is high time to do so.
Since the rise of the anti-corruption agenda in the mid-1990s, a wide range of reports, conventions and legislation have emerged, aimed at both enforcing and promoting transparency, integrity and accountability – such as the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, the United Nations Convention against Corruption, and most recently the European Union Anti-Corruption Report.
Despite the relative widespread implementation of anti-corruption reforms and institutional solutions, no more than 21 countries have enjoyed a significant decrease in corruption levels since 1996, while at the same time 27 countries have become worse off. ",...
"Georgia: A Post-Soviet Model for Fighting Academic Corruption
Corruption-free higher education institutions play a significant role in forming a democratic and open society – post-Soviet Georgia is a case in point. However, Georgia’s road to having a transparent higher education system – one that has largely rooted out corruption – has not always been smooth. The journey, and lessons learned along the way, offer insight for other countries trying to minimize systemic corruption in academic and other parts of civil society.
In the years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia suffered from rampant corruption and was widely considered one of the most corrupt countries in the world. In 2004, the country was ranked 136th out of 145 countries included in Transparency International’s (TI) Corruption Perception Index.
Since then, however, the nation has made tremendous strides in reducing corruption. Political measures adopted after the 2003 Rose Revolution have curbed corruption in education and other public sectors. By 2012, Georgia had outperformed all other post-Soviet republics except for Lithuania and Estonia in reducing corruption and ranked 51stout of 174 countries in TI’s corruption index. By 2016, the country’s ranking further improved to 44 out of 176.
That is not to say that challenges have disappeared altogether. High-level corruption among politicians and nepotism in the hiring of civil servants, for instance, are lingering problems. However, strong anti-corruption policies have “virtually extinguished” bribery and other forms of petty corruption in public services – an achievement that could serve as a model for other post-Communist countries. This article describes how this reduction in corruption has been achieved in the education system.",...
"Understanding the Causes and Social Costs of Academic Corruption
This article reflects on the causes and impact of academic corruption in afflicted countries, as well as the global costs and prevalence of corruption at large.
Another thing that I want to add on here, because it seems relevant to academia in general, is that higher education institutions are opaque. I'm hearing from many different colleagues from the U.S to Europe about systems and processes in place that make it difficult to navigate. Even in my own university, students are unaware of alot things, including their rights as students and information is not communicated to them. Even staff and faculty have to struggle with opaque rules and cope with administrators wanting to do informal practices instead. Practices that are often unfair to staff and students alike. So, it may not be textbook case corruption, however these are the conditions that make it ripe for bad actors to continue in their ways and make it harder for progressive changes.
Corruption seems to be like fluid gas penetrating every nook and corner of our personal lives. Academia is no exception. However, the ethical considerations in conducting research is a very significant part of the chapter on the code of conduct in research. The question is: How can something that is looking for truths of life get itself contaminated? we should not let our academic aspirations to digress from the path of rectitude. As Gandhi states, " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”
"There Is Corruption In Academia. Jordan Peterson Is Shining A Light On It.
Alerting society to the politicization of the classroom should be seen as a public service
The University of Toronto Faculty Association is upset because one professor, Jordan Peterson, is threatening to show the public what students are really learning in Canada’s own public universities.
Peterson has spoken of creating a website where students can enter the name of a course or a professor and find out to what extent said course or professor is addled with “postmodern” and “social justice” ideology. The Faculty Association has taken action and complained to the administration despite the fact that the proposed website has not been launched, and Peterson himself has indicated that the project is “in stasis” as he considers whether such an initiative will “add to the polarization” of the present moment.
We can question how effective a website like this would be in gauging apparent political bias of a course or professor. For example, would it hinder academic freedom, presume political indoctrination where none is happening, and open academics to harassment? Yet beyond these questions, the project of scrutinizing what exactly constitutes today’s undergraduate education is entirely legitimate. Why should students and parents be prevented from knowing what their thousands of dollars and several years of their lives are actually paying for? And is the ethical propriety of a website that might unmask the modern university really why Jordan Peterson is attracting the wrath of the hive?
As a University of Toronto graduate who majored in English Literature and Cinema Studies, my contention is that what worries certain academics at my alma mater is that, if Peterson’s website goes live, what they are doing in their classes will be exposed to the public.
Students (and their paying parents) have the right to decide whether they wish to be educated, or maleducated. For too long, going to college has been just another middle class pastime, and parents have been mindlessly sending their kids, along with tuition payments, to blindly-trusted educational institutions. Nobody looks too closely into what is actually being learned, because the credential of the degree has become more important than the content of the experience. This, in part, has allowed professors to drift away from passing on “the best that has been thought and said,” to use Matthew Arnold’s memorable phrase, to students that fill up their class rolls. ",...
The sting of corruption is everywhere, even in the academia. Yet, the fruits of true scholars as per their academic titles will be discerned sooner or later