I attempted to make a privately uploaded text public but a window appeared that said an error occurred. There was no explanation provided as to why there was an error or what might be done to correct it. Why did this error occur?
No, the article in question is "Assessment of the influence factors on in vitro testing of nasal sprays using Box-Behnken experimental design". This was written by employees of the Federal Government which retains the copyright. The citizens of the United States paid for this research and have a right to access the results.
Dear William Doub For the paper you described Article Assessment of the influence factors on in vitro testing of n...
the matter is the same. It is published in a subscription based journal and especially Elsevier is highly protective when it comes to copyright.
I saw that the paper is accessible through the depository of the University https://profiles.umsl.edu/ws/portalfiles/portal/39893357/1105011.pdf you can insert this link in the abstract section here on RG.
Best regards.
PS. As said Elsevier is highly protective I was forced (together with 200000 more papers https://www.uu.nl/en/news/publications-removed-from-researchgate ) to remove the publicly available pdf here on RG a few years ago Article Identification of potential lipid binding regions in cereal ...
I think your error appeared because nowadays RG 'blocks' upfront.
The problem is that ResearchGate is operating internationally, and this means that an uploaded full text is available for everyone in the world, not only for citizens of the United States. The text at www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0928098708003953 is only partially available online.
Rob Keller – as I indicated, the Federal Government does not relinquish the copyright to any journal. Next time you submit a paper, pay attention to the copyright release form and you will discover a section for the author(s) to state that the work was carried out and paid for by the US government.