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Questions related to Linguistics
In fact, I need to know the analytical tools related to discourse analysis that might be used to tackle a literary discourse (precisely poems). I also need the names of the prominent linguists who...
27 January 2021 5,065 20 View
If I’m looking at language variation, and expecting a gender difference between ‘style’ and ‘content’, and how does that interact with different meanings of a specific terms used by male or...
29 December 2020 4,620 3 View
La diversidad lingüística y cultural está presente en cada país ¿Consideras que en tu país se fomenta la Educación Intercultural desde las escuelas?
27 December 2020 9,579 3 View
I am looking for any resources which may be useful in a study I am conducting on the impacts that language may have on our perception of crimes. I will be using headlines which convey a particular...
24 December 2020 8,921 6 View
I'm doing a research in linguistics. the study is on synthetic speech rate, the participants (30) listened to the speech rate at 4 levels (sentences in normal rate, then accelerated at 10%, then...
03 December 2020 8,387 2 View
What kind of research tools that are suitable to be used in conducting this research topic apart from critical discourse analysis (CDA)
09 November 2020 7,530 3 View
One of the goals of the scientific platforms, including Research Gate, is to help researchers to update their knowledge regarding the recent developments in research in their area of study. We...
09 October 2020 9,231 24 View
Collecting acoustic data during the pandemic faced me with a challenge that I need to overcome. I have to upload some audio files and scripts, and the subjects are required to answer the questions...
23 September 2020 4,354 6 View
The cross-cultural adaptation of a health status questionnaire or tool for use in a new country, culture, and/or language requires a unique methodology in order to reach equivalence between the...
03 September 2020 7,459 9 View
Are there any studies that show a positive relationship between the length of a text (word count or number of characters) and its information content?
30 August 2020 8,125 8 View
Hi guys! I have a question on a framing effect-like issue. Well, everyone of us has the immediate feeling that there's a huge difference between saying - for instance - "you should respect the...
21 August 2020 8,094 6 View
I am looking for research articles on photo-elicitation related to language education or linguistics.
27 July 2020 9,944 1 View
As most will intuitively know, language ability is an umbrella term that comprises various different categories: some people are better at grammar, some at vocabulary and some at spelling. IQ...
25 July 2020 9,924 1 View
The public question is to all experts of linguists, applied linguists and sociolinguists. This helps to figure out the impact of society in language and the impact of language in society.
29 June 2020 3,323 3 View
Dear Linguists, I need a help regarding my dissertation relating to the search of 4-word clusters on software antconc, I am using the following model of Hyland Noun phrase + of the end of the...
15 March 2020 2,086 3 View
I'm starting my thesis on the relationship about music and language, but I wish I had further information about
13 March 2020 3,828 9 View
So called actantial model is a formulation of narrative structures developed by Lithuanian linguist Algirdas Julius (Julien) Greimas ( 1917 – 1992) which belongs to the Generative Trajectory Model...
12 March 2020 6,433 5 View
Hi everyone. I'm doing a study about the relationship between voice pitch and fatigue. I decided to do the analysis in PRAAT, since it seems the most user-friendly for a newbie in voice research....
05 March 2020 8,789 4 View
Hi everyone, I have collected a set of experimental data regarding the strength of a composite material. Besides quantitative data (dimensions and mechanical properties of the materials),...
23 January 2020 492 3 View
Hi, It's a common practice in psycholinguistic research to infer from online processing about linguistic representation. I'm particularly interested in bi- and multilingual speakers. A good...
12 January 2020 8,474 3 View
The purpose of this question is to examine and compare the concepts of linguistic colonialism and cultural alienation in University textbooks for teaching English as opposed to the theories about...
02 January 2020 1,797 3 View
I deal with the problems of contrastive theolinguistics, get acquainted with the works of colleagues available for reading. I would be grateful if you would point to scientific works in this area...
30 November 2019 3,256 3 View
Hello, When we take a look at English test prep books that are specially designed for ESL learners, we often see in their title that the book is for "learners at elementary level", "learners at...
16 November 2019 5,596 1 View
I am working on a paper in Conversation Analysis, titled “Toddlers asking Amazon Echo Alexa to play the song baby shark” When analyzing the data i faced this issue of (when toddlers ask Alexa to...
10 November 2019 6,180 3 View