I have been doing MDA MB 231 breast cancer cell line cultures. When i was started cultures the cell morphology was in spherical shape, but after few passages they changed to spindle shape. can any one explain why it is happening?
Hi, did you compare the morphology of your 231 cells with pictures published by ATCC? My 231 cells look pretty like the pictures they put on their website.
Also, the confluence of cell might affect its morphology. I normally do 1:4 passage when it comes to 80% confluence (normally every two days) and my 231 cells do not change their morphologies.
Hi, There may be some notable changes in cell morphology when you use high passage numbered cells. It is generally considered to use cells with less passage numbers for any study as the cells gradually loose their morphology and viability at the highest passages.
In addition to the advice everyone else has offered, I would encourage you to STG genotype your cells. Its boring I know but it can really save you time in the long run if you realise there is some contamination! Also it looks like this will be a requirement for publications in the near future...
I can't say that my 231 cells changed morphology but rather that it acted differently in certain experments after high number of passages. I think overall they're quite tough as far as cells go. My advice is don't go more than ten passages. Also consider the type of plate and coating you might be using, that to plays a role in cell morphology.
They may display slight different morphology but more importantly you can check some critical gene expression (in RT-PCR and WB) upon you reach many passages. You can then thaw a fresh vial from early passage to avoid unwanted changes/variation in your results.
Most of the cases, many lab experience contamination issue with these widely used BC cell lines. So, please be aware of that.
Yes they will. It depends on the amount of stress they undergo. They acquire more spindle and fibrotic nature when stressed after certain passages. Also, use of excess of anti-microbial agents induces stress and changes the morphology. This may also affect the results of your experiments.
I agree with Ramakanth, infact in my experience cells can change their morfology web they are stressed. Also the use of anti microbial- anti micotyc agents will contribute to morfological change,
I agree also with Farruk Lutful. The best way to be sure of your cell line integrity is to check some gene expression.
I think that after some cell passages the cancer cells can be subjected to selection and this could cause a gradual change in their morphology.
In alternative, another possible cause could be due to aggressive trypsinization that can alter their cellular membranes; for this reason I would suggest to use a trypsine diluited 1:2 or 1:3 when you will pass them.
MDA-MB231 breast cancer cells normally have spindle-like morphology. Round shape can appear in excess of FCS and first hours after passage. This cell line was widely used as a model of cell migration potential in collagen and matrigel substrates, in order to study different agents impact for invasion and metastasis of cancer. Being very active in "trotting" from one part of the plate to the other even over gel-type surfaces these cells are one of the most altering phenotype cell cultures. But extra-elongation of cell shape for MB231 is the signal about their bad condition, starving, contamination, etc.
After some passages, the cancer cells can alter its phenotype and morphology due the fact suffer other mutations . I advice you unfreeze a cell passage early and observe these aspects.