I am trying to generate cell lines carrying phosphomimetic substitutions. I have 5 primer pairs, each are ~60 bases.
I am using 2.5 micro Molar (uM) forward and the same for rev. primer amd 50ng template DNA. Also I have added 3% DMSO .
The PCR cycle I am following is
Initial denaturation at 98C for 1min
98C for 25 sec
72-70-68C for 25s
72C for 5m
x30 cycles
final extension at 72 for 10m.
DpnI digestion for 2hrs at 37C.
I used competent E. coli. I have seen colonies (But also I have seen background in -ve ctrl plate!)
After mini-prepping and seq, I found I don't have any correct insertion. All of them were exactly like WT sequence!!
What do you think I should modify in this protocol to get correct insertions?
I would appreciate your add!