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Questions related to XRD Analysis
Dear Colleagues Melanins are heterogeneous polymeric natural pigments and these pigments are widely distributed in nature from bacteria to humans. Today, although the structure of other organic...
19 January 2021 8,951 2 View
I am a beginner in rietveld refinement, my samples contain numerous overlapped peaks and amorphous phases. I have few doubts related to rietveld refinement of cement paste: 1. My quantifications...
12 January 2021 9,079 6 View
Hi I wanna use Reitveld analysis in my project but i have big question that is: Should i see quality of each card (or Not important !!?), or it is enough to check the score and scale factor of...
05 January 2021 7,963 1 View
I have samples that have been tested at high temperature (1160 and 1180 degrees) however, there are some phases formed that are not being picked up when using Raman. I am wondering if it would be...
04 January 2021 1,567 3 View
Dear Researchers I have synthesized gelatin stabilized ZnIn2S4 nanocrystals, I have obtained XRD patterns which is different from its bulk cubic and hexagonal phases. I assume there is some shift...
12 December 2020 8,132 4 View
I read some publications stated that the value of enthalaply change higher than 40 kJ/mol the adsorption will be chemisorption and below this value will be physisorption he negative values of...
23 November 2020 8,529 5 View
I have an XRD pattern of malachite phase in a range of 5-50 degree in 2 theta. After that, I use MID-JADE software to refine the pattern and it shows a good refinement with low R-value and GOF...
04 October 2020 3,876 8 View
Hello everyone! I suppose the XRD of sample LaPO4 has some anisotropic line broadening along [h00]. How could I model the shape of particle using WPPF method or something else? Diffraction...
22 September 2020 1,958 3 View
I am trying to work out the instrument parameters refining a standard silicon (111) reference sample. I was wondering why I do see the (2 2 2) forbidden reflection at 58.9° (not visible...
16 September 2020 3,222 7 View
I recently submitted my samples in two different labs, I am getting three very intense peak in between 69-70 (2theta degrees); I want to know what could be the possible reason behind, is it normal...
14 September 2020 2,280 4 View
Dear Researchgate Community, Hello,I wish you all good health amid COVID-19 pandemic. I am writing this to request your support and opinion on identification method for Ethylenediammonium-diiodide...
10 September 2020 5,214 16 View
Currently i am working on Xpert Highscore XRD software for the estimation of clay minerals from the XRD pattern. However, whenever, i try to search minerals by using ''search and match''...
17 August 2020 3,636 4 View
I need these reference cards to match them with my data. if you can help then kindly provide the pdf files or even images for each card. I do have one reference card for each but it lefts me the...
06 August 2020 6,328 4 View
most people have shown I their research articles that the intensity peaks of different metals like ag, au and even pd have their peaks on the same degrees i.e. nearby 38.2, 44.2,64.6, 77.5 degrees...
06 August 2020 7,892 4 View
I measured a fluconazole drug sample and found 2 phases. Then, for the first time, I tried to apply the rietveld refinement method using Match! and got relatively high values for both R bragg...
28 July 2020 9,650 4 View
Currently I am working on the clay mineral analysis for an IODP core. I am using a standard clay mineral separation technique by adding H2O2 and acetic acid for the removal of organic and...
03 July 2020 9,046 3 View
I mixed 60 vol% boron carbide (B4C), 25 vol% titanium diboride (TiB2), 10 vol% silicon carbide (SiC) and 5 vol% alumina (Al2O3) powders in jar mill for 12 hours using toluene as mixing...
18 June 2020 1,586 13 View
I made a suppository of clotrimazole in a macrogol base and did a XRD analysis on it and also the macrogol base itself. The macrogol base had three peaks where the intensity of the peaks started...
09 June 2020 5,299 8 View
Let's suppose I have an STO substrate and I have deposited a thin film of another material and it is highly oriented and STO as well as my material both form are cubic. To better understand the...
15 May 2020 6,583 3 View
I have just started to gain basic information about gas sensing materials. So here, I want to know what materials are in touch nowadays for efficient gas sensing, and what are the corresponding...
12 May 2020 5,416 1 View
I have doped Vanadium in BT but there is no change in the splitting of peak at around 2θ ̴ 45°, even though there is an appreciable change in lattice parameters as well as clear shifting in peaks...
29 April 2020 8,210 3 View
Hi everyone, I have a sample of bioash (produced from biosolids by heating in an oven at 550 deg centigrade - air environment). I have carried out x-ray fluoresence as well to identify the...
16 April 2020 6,379 3 View
Bi0.8Sm0.2FeО3 Crystal system: Orthorhombic Space group: P n m a Space group number: 62
01 April 2020 7,393 6 View
Why tetragonal structures show peak splitting (majorly at 2θ ̴ 45°) in ABO3 type structures?
22 March 2020 2,708 3 View