Dear Researchgate Community,
Hello,I wish you all good health amid COVID-19 pandemic. I am writing this to request your support and opinion on identification method for Ethylenediammonium-diiodide (EADI2) and Ethylenediammonium-Dichloride (EADCl2) compounds. I mixed Ethylenediamine and HI in a 3:5 molar ratio to obtain a white powder after evaporating solvents and washing with Di-ethyl Ether (DIE) and reacted Ethylenediamine and HCl (35.4 % Conc.) to obtain white crystalline product following the same procedure after evaporating solvents with DIE. I did XRD characterization to verify salt formation and analyzed in Xpert-High Score but could not find any results. Although, XRD spectra showed good peaks. Can anyone please help me to identify the salt formation?
I am attaching both XRD results as well. Please tell me how I can identify EADI2 and EADCl2 salt formation? Also please XRD spectra of these salts if you have. I would really appreciate your help. Thank you!