I have an XRD pattern of malachite phase in a range of 5-50 degree in 2 theta. After that, I use MID-JADE software to refine the pattern and it shows a good refinement with low R-value and GOF < 2. I also attached the file here (File Refined by MID-JADE).
Later, I try to use Fullprof to refine this observed pattern, however, the obtained result is not good (File Refine.PNG). I follow the following procedure to refine the pattern:
1. I use Chebychev polynomial with 12 coefficient as MID-JADE for the background.
2. I refined scale factor.
3. Cell parameters
4. FWHM parameters
5. Shape parameters.
6. Atom position and etc.
Can anyone please help me to solve the problem? I also attach the observed data, CIF file of reference for you to check.
Thank you very much!!!