Substances produced from the reaction between acids and bases; compounds consisting of a metal (positive) and nonmetal (negative) radical. (Grant... | Contact experts in Salts to get answers
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Questions related to Salts
Hi all, I am analyzing the concentration of PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid) using LC/MS/MS (negative ionization mode). In my method, I'm also using 13C8-PFOA as my internal standard (IS) to take...
13 July 2021 5,267 2 View
I built an electrolytic cell. There are an anode plate and a cathode plate. Each plate of 7x12 cm dimension (the width is negligible), and connected to a DC power supply. Moreover, both plates are...
12 July 2021 8,017 0 View
How mobile is gold in RC or AC sample piles? If it is fine free gold I could imagine it can be blown away or get removed by water but if it is bound in clay or is in quartz as an example, I assume...
10 July 2021 5,893 5 View
What is the concentration of salts and other materials used in the column binding phase and the washing and release phase؟
08 July 2021 1,382 5 View
I am running Builder CMG simulation for a reservoir model and I got this error and abnormal simulation result. =================== FATAL ERROR (from subroutine: ININI2) ====================...
08 July 2021 233 0 View
hello every one i have aqueous two phase system consist of PEG6000 + K2HPO4 both in liquid phase i used the salt as separating agent. how i recover the solvent (PEG6000) any methods or...
07 July 2021 5,894 2 View
Could anyone please explain if a drosophila melanogaster line can express some white eye flies whereas its wild type is red eye. Is this fading out possible or is it a contamination?
07 July 2021 6,451 3 View
Requirement of hydrogen as fuel directs us to utilise sea water but the computational techniques for such analysis are rare, how do we simulate the sea water catalysis using ab inito methods
06 July 2021 5,369 1 View
I have synthesised a salt by the replacement of BOC group to TFA. The problem is that the component absorbs moisture in the air instead of turning into solid form. Is there any possible way to dry...
05 July 2021 5,316 2 View
Knowing the theoretical reaction routes of hydrotalcite-like ternary NiMnAl LDHs to be synthesized by sol-gel from inorganic salts like nitrate, chloride, sulphate, etc. to identify whether the...
02 July 2021 1,523 2 View
Different salt concentrations create varying effects on gelatin. However, there is a complication in determining the maximum concentration to dissolve gelatin. The confusing part is the M/8, if M...
30 June 2021 1,058 4 View
I am studying in disodium hydrogen phosphate salt hydrate and i have big problem for DSC analysis of this material. in all DSC's reports the latent heat of fusion is lower than the amount...
30 June 2021 1,839 2 View
Hello everyone, FTIR analysis of proteins is possible in both solution and in dried microbial cells. I am interested in the effect of concentrated salt solutions (> 1M NaCl/KCl) on the...
28 June 2021 203 2 View
Hello If we test TDS (total Dissolved salts)by conductivity meter for water sample And test cations and anions by IC Should the summation of cation and anions be lower than the calculated TDS...
25 June 2021 6,151 3 View
In arid lake sediments, there may be salt phase precipitation. But in our new sediment core, we find a 10-cm thick salt layer comprising of gravel-like crystalline particles. They look like...
24 June 2021 4,181 3 View
I am looking forward to synthesis various hexacyanometallates, hexacyano -manganates, -cobaltates and -chromates in particular. What would be the options? I have hexacyanoferrates, but do not have...
22 June 2021 3,807 3 View
We are doing experiments on growth of bacteria with plastic as the sole carbon source. We use M9 minimal salts, but I am concerned that it may not be sufficient as it contains only major...
21 June 2021 8,364 5 View
Hi, I have a question, I inoculated the fresh bacterial culture and incubated overnight in 5ml nutrient broth, I must centrifuge 4430*G for 5 minutes followed by decantating the supernatent and...
21 June 2021 5,482 2 View
Hello, I measure pure Sb-solutions (KSb(OH)6 dissolved in double-deionized water and adjusted to 2% HNO3 + 0.1% tartaric acid) at the ICP-OES (50-100uM) and at the ICP-MS (0.1-1uM). I get always...
18 June 2021 178 1 View
Why are there no reports on polymer electrolytes containing organic salts as ion donors? Are these salts not suitable for energy storage?
17 June 2021 4,821 1 View
As Ammonium nitrate is banned in many countries, the plant tissue culture laboratories and industrial setups are looking for the most suitable alternative of the AN salt which can fully replace it...
16 June 2021 5,883 7 View
It's about quinine (alkaloids) andfluorescence test
16 June 2021 5,523 3 View
I have tried to use LFSI salt in my cathode system but the coating appears grainy and I see the Al through very small tiny holes. I am using NMP as solvent and PVDF as binder. I have tried ball...
15 June 2021 363 1 View
How to prepare Acetylferrocenium salt from Acetylferrocene. A detailed procedure, please. I have tried with AgBF4 but not successful.
12 June 2021 6,627 7 View