Substances produced from the reaction between acids and bases; compounds consisting of a metal (positive) and nonmetal (negative) radical. (Grant... | Contact experts in Salts to get answers
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Questions related to Salts
Can we use area of discharge channel in DBD equal to area of electrode in calculation?
13 December 2023 9,378 1 View
We are trying to glue brain slice to a glass bottom petridish for imaging and mechanical characterisation on AFM. The pervious protocols suggests using Corning Cell-Tak, yet it's a little bit hard...
17 November 2023 7,479 0 View
What is the name of this mango leaf disease?
02 November 2023 8,713 1 View
What is the current status of biodiversity in India and steps taken by the government of India under the sustainable development or green economy?
22 October 2023 6,797 0 View
What is the importance of environmental sustainability and climate change and role of biodiversity in the environment and food security?
20 October 2023 734 0 View
How can we have balance between environment and economic growth and does economic growth help the environment?
19 October 2023 6,355 5 View
The tags are essential to look for the optical properties of the material. On Vaspwiki, it is mentioned that the tags can be taken by selecting the NBANDS value from the OUTCAR which is the...
18 October 2023 3,352 0 View
Does anyone know where I could purchase gold-core silver-shell nanoparticles in a dichloromethane solvent? Our usual supplier only seems to have them in water.
03 October 2023 9,452 2 View
"About 0.5 g of ground sugarcane bagasse powder mixed with 0.1 g of ferrocene was placed in a crucible and put directly into a muffle furnace at 300 °C for 10 min under atmospheric...
13 September 2023 3,269 1 View
Hi, as stated in the title above, how do you get error values when using profile fitting? The best I have found is the "R profile" and "Goodness of Fit" values under "Refinement Control", but they...
13 September 2023 6,473 1 View
I am running a catalyst test with a fixed-bed reactor. I need to connect a GC to a reactor to analyze the output gases. I just don't know how should it work.
12 September 2023 7,176 1 View
Why does salt and sugar disappear when stirred in water and why is it important to keep stirring the solution while it is heating and cooling?
05 September 2023 6,119 6 View
Why does the warm moist air rise through the atmosphere and movement of hot air at the equator and cold air at the poles produce global wind patterns?
31 August 2023 2,175 6 View
Hi, I performed GWAS on barley and I am trying to compare the identified QTL of my research with those already reported in literature. In some articles, they use the diversity array technology and...
26 August 2023 6,720 0 View
How does rate of evaporation depend on amount of liquid and reason for the increase in the rate of evaporation of a liquid when air is blown above the liquid?
26 August 2023 6,887 0 View
Is air pressure higher at Earth's surface or high up in Earth's atmosphere and atmospheric pressure higher near Earth's surface than up above?
23 August 2023 7,491 3 View
This article provides an in-depth look at loyalty programs and their various effects on customer engagement, brand loyalty and organizational success. Analyzing the fusion of psychological,...
19 August 2023 5,039 1 View
How does electricity affect Ecological Footprint and how does a high Ecological Footprint affect the environment?
10 August 2023 8,717 3 View
Right now, I'm using the Cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEA) method for immobilizing cellulase enzyme. While there are several other methods to choose from, I decided to go with CLEA for...
09 August 2023 9,204 0 View
is there any method for the cleaning of the anion (AXM-100 (AMI-7001) and cation (CXM-200 (CMI-7000) exchange membrane for MFC and MDC for its re-use again in the reactors?
06 August 2023 2,455 0 View
Which one is more accurate for testing uniconazole effect, on growth and development. field experiment or lab experiment? and why?
06 August 2023 620 1 View
HI all, I am making hydrogels with calcium phosphate mineral, I have tried washing at the end of culture with water, PBS, and TBS. All of which have either changed mineral phase (undesirable) or...
02 August 2023 6,321 3 View
26 July 2023 5,349 3 View
CE=8.I.dt/(F.V.delCOD) Why Coulombic efficiency and COD removal is inversely related. If COD removal is high, the Coulombic efficiency is low and vice versa. Please explain the principle behind this
26 July 2023 5,694 2 View