Dear Said, thank you for posting this interesting technical question. As you know, the Aqueous Two-Phase System (ATPS) comprises a hydrophilic polymer (in this case PEG 6000) and salt (K2HPO4) with water (polymer + salt + water). According to the attached data sheet, "polyethylene glycols are soluble in many organic solvents, including aliphatic ketones and alcohols, chloroform, glycol ethers, esters, and aromatic hydrocarbons". Thus my suggestion to separate the three components would be the following procedure: First of all distill off all the water using a rotary evaporator. Then add e.g. chloroform, toluene or acetone which should lead to precipitation of the K2HPO4. Then separate the inorganic salt by filtration and distill off the solvent. This should give you the PEG 6000 back. I hope it works. Good luck and best wishes!