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Questions related to CFD Simulation
Actually, I am running cfd simulation for a heat exchanger which has two fluids one hot and other one is cold fluid. there is a solid domain between them, which I removed and instead I have used...
02 March 2021 10,228 2 View
I have a virtual machine. My host Pc specs are not that good thats why i went for virtual servers. so basically my host pc has 8gb of ram with nvidia quadro k2200 4Gb DDR5 GPU ,processor intel...
02 March 2021 9,091 1 View
Hi all, I'm doing a transient simulation of flow past a rectangular cylinder close to the free surface. As far as I'm concerned, the common practice is to discard the initial stages of the...
26 February 2021 1,667 3 View
Hello, As part of simulation of gases mixture and water, I need to calculate viscosity of the fluid components and I am using relationships proposed by Chung et al. (1988). The irony is while I...
26 February 2021 8,391 5 View
In my CFD simulation analysis, I found high turbulence intensity with low indoor air velocity in a naturally ventilated room. Is it ok??
26 January 2021 5,512 10 View
Dear coastal and river engineering researchers, I would appreciate some help from people who may be familiar with Flow, Sediment, and Wave related software with regards to the following: - Is it...
23 January 2021 6,265 14 View
Dear Researchers, I am trying to model a gasification process for biomass on DWSIM. (Aspen plus is expensive and unreachable). I have been doing lots of searches but couldn't find anything. Is...
03 January 2021 1,251 4 View
Dear all, I am trying to couple a simulation with two codes, say code A and code B (different discretizations). For code A we solve simply the conduction equation (solid), while in B we solve the...
25 November 2020 9,145 2 View
I am trying to validate the experimental results from a paper but I am not able to replicate the profile of turbulence intensity in the domain. I have explained the entire problem statement in the...
16 November 2020 4,080 3 View
Hi I am going to model particle fluidization in a pipe using 2D simulation. To compare the Fluent result with experimental data, how can I select an appropriate width an length for 2D model by...
11 November 2020 3,819 5 View
Hi I have a 1D PDE problem that I want to solve it with comsol. my dependent variable is T[K] which is a temperature field . I need to use a part of my field , for example, consider that I have...
30 October 2020 9,313 3 View
Hello All I'm working on baffles inside a circular pipe, the problem that I'm facing is when I draw contour or streamlines, I have not found any effects for the baffles on fluid flow where fluid...
24 October 2020 2,196 3 View
I am currently trying to do a microCFD simulation of a figure that has got some definite dimensions but after importing in the microCFD and then clicking on the modify shape option from the edit...
11 October 2020 3,495 1 View
Hi everybody, I am going to simulate a biomass gasification in fluidized bed. I tried to to use Coal Ultimate and Proximate analyze data ( from literature) through Coal calculator, but I do not...
29 September 2020 6,941 1 View
For simulating a time periodic flow, I increased simulation times up to 100s and use adaptive time steps. But I didn't get desire result...I checked simulation setup several times...I don't know...
27 September 2020 5,617 7 View
Hi, In TecPlot, when I take a 2D slice and then visualize the mesh on it (Slices>Details>Other>Show Mesh), I see a very black slice because of the fine mesh. Can someone tell me how to...
25 September 2020 2,614 3 View
Dear Colleagues, We are trying to simulate flow in a breathing machine and need to put the boundary conditions for lungs. Question: is it possible to set adequate boundary conditions for lungs,...
08 September 2020 8,844 4 View
Hi all, I hope you all are doing well. I am working on the simulation of airfoils with boundary layer suction. I found a reference to validate my CFD results, as shown below. "Stanewsky E,...
07 September 2020 9,243 3 View
Hello, I'm beginner about CFD and I'm modeling coal combustion in CFX but i have this error : "CFX-Pre Application Error Application Error in CFX-Pre: ERROR CCL validation failed with...
23 August 2020 811 3 View
I am trying to do a flow simulation around this airfoil but everytime the face mesher fails around the dimple, how do i split the airfoil to get a finer mesh?
20 August 2020 4,497 7 View
Hello everybody, I would like to perform a CFD simulation to visualize the fluid flow in an electroplating tank. This big tank (400 L) is mixed with several eductor nozzles. I would like to know...
14 August 2020 7,608 3 View
Nanofluids can be modeled as a two phase system in the Eulerian-Eulerian model where individual phase properties for particle and fluid are to be entered since Eulerian Eulerian model performs...
11 August 2020 2,302 2 View
Dear friends I'm working on the validation of an FIV case, which for making phase difference between force and displacement, I used an initial velocity in the structural, but after several...
11 August 2020 9,248 4 View
Is it possible to prepare an *.stl file in SpaceClaim for a CFD simulation without convert the facets into solid faces?
17 July 2020 7,156 5 View