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Questions related to Thermal Engineering
It can be understood by intuition that gases can't be compressed at constant pressure or constant volume. But what is the thermodynamic reason behind it?
03 March 2020 2,936 2 View
Dear all, I am trying to find cooling power to weight ratio for vapour compression and vapour absorption chiller. If you have any relevant information please share. Thank you for your support.
04 April 2019 7,596 5 View
What is the meaning of intermediate temperature in cascade refrigeration systems? There are several approches about it in terms of formulations. what is the exact formula of it? I am really...
03 March 2019 2,578 1 View
One principle given in Thermodynamics, Cengel is "The steady flow compression or expansion work is directly proportional to the specific volume of the fluid. Therefore, the specific volume of the...
10 October 2018 5,431 4 View
I am looking for literature to aid me with the explanation and discussion of experimental results (saturated pool boiling of water at atmospheric pressure on copper surfaces) where a shift of the...
14 September 2018 8,701 2 View
I am looking for the topic for my post graduation project in heat power engineering. So, please suggest me the topic.
07 July 2018 5,912 3 View
the overall exergy is the sum of - Potencial Exergy - Kinetics Exergy - Physical Exergy - Chemical Exergy
02 February 2018 10,144 12 View
Hi, I have recently been trying to define my Phd topic in the field of near critical CO2 condensation in small scale channels. We have a CO2 test rig, which can be performed the performance test...
02 February 2018 5,253 1 View
Dear All, How to find mass concentration (x) of ammonia refrigerant in ammonia/NaScn solution. I did not find any correlation between Concentration (X), Temperature (T) and Pressure (P) for...
07 November 2017 1,908 3 View
Does anyone have experience about working in a combined cycle power plant which had been converted from a steam cycle?
06 June 2017 2,337 0 View
Hi I have a problem I need to solve. The system consists of a hot plate type heater that is either on or off. The bag of fluid lays on top of it. There is a sensor that the bag of fluid rests on...
12 December 2016 9,691 4 View
Dear, I need to draw a thermal map of world using R Console, then the package 'rworldmap' is downloaded. However, I want to know the detailed database of the rworldmap package, and willing to...
12 December 2016 2,024 0 View
I would like to model transient thermal:- A breakthrough part- A convective exchange in the hole (to simulate the passage of a fluid without performing simulation Fluent)- Regulating the heat with...
27 October 2016 4,594 1 View
Do you know about the ability of Lattice-Boltzmann method to model nanofluids flow in some complex geometries? Thanks all
23 October 2016 7,989 8 View
Hi, I wish to calculate HVAC noise, using HVAC drawings. Does anyone know how to calculate the regenrated noise from elements like dampers, bends and T junctions (and also duct reduction)? Is...
10 October 2016 1,638 3 View
I am currently looking for literature, which offers an "easy" overview of thermal conductivity in general, measurement methods, modelling etc - all the literature available is very specific and...
15 September 2016 9,074 5 View
09 September 2016 1,565 6 View
I am trying to calculate the reflection coefficient between VO2 and Vacuum For Evanescent waves in p polarization I find them greater than one,can anyone help me whether this result is reasonable...
06 September 2016 5,106 3 View
I am using off the shelf temperature sensors. I want to use the temperature value to display the corresponding color of that temperature just like a thermal camera. So far I have used Wien's...
20 August 2016 6,832 8 View
Hello everybody, I'm modelling the heat transfer in a combustion chamber for an engine with various temperature of the combustion chamber. Is anyone can help me for finding data of the boiling...
15 August 2016 2,945 5 View
Dear Colleagues I have many difficulties in finding electro-thermal parameters of styrofoam (polystyrene) and laboratory glass (polypropylene)? In literature the authors rather have not mentioned...
08 August 2016 1,040 2 View
08 August 2016 3,902 8 View
I am currently studying the deposition on heat exchangers due to the presence of solid ash particles and vapours in hot flue gas. I am currently using DEFINE_DPM_BC on the surface of the cylinder...
07 July 2016 3,170 3 View
1-Looking to do a reduced scale test chamber for building thermal behavior, should the test chamber be reduced completely in size (as in all enveloped and volume reduced accordingly) or only the...
07 July 2016 1,235 0 View