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Questions related to CFD Simulation
For hexahedral meshing, it is quite simple to divide one edge in a particular number of division. But for tetrahedral meshing it is not that simple. If we are using a complicated domain for...
30 June 2020 4,314 6 View
I am working on an open-channel multi-phase (water+air) flow with k-epsilon turbulence model. How can the computational cost of the model be minimized, while the accuracy and convergence are ensured?
11 June 2020 3,855 8 View
What are the Governing equations (Heat and mass transfer Eq.) for a gas-to-liquid while injection from beside hot air and spray liquid downward jet in the cyclone-tape evaporation chamber? When...
11 June 2020 7,523 6 View
I work on an open-channel problem. My current model is a multi-phase (water+air) VOF, with k-epsilon turbulence model. Due to high computational cost of the current model I want to consider...
11 June 2020 687 14 View
To expand a bit on the question. The Reynolds number that I am using for the simulation is 22,000 and according to the literature the flow is turbulent. The paper that I am using as a reference...
13 May 2020 965 5 View
Hello I hope some of you use Comsol. So, I’m doing simulation of airflow through porous media. According to the characteristics of the flow and the geometry, the flow is turbulent, so after...
07 May 2020 5,846 1 View
Hello, I went through ansys fluent dynamic meshing guide. It says remeshing can be done only on tetrahedral mesh. I still tried to implement it on hexahedralmesh. It works well. It is bit...
04 May 2020 2,877 4 View
I want to simulate in fluent a structure with 6 rows of steel that 22-degree water inter and pass through it then exit with 25-degree. There is a hot external airflow around this structure....
25 April 2020 2,069 3 View
Dear Researchers FSI simulation in the biological fluid problems Ansys-Fluent or Abaqus or Adina? You know that solving the fluid and structure equations as a couple equation is very valuable...
23 April 2020 359 3 View
I want to plot the graph of turbulence intensity vs height of domain. How to do that in Ansys cfx for steady state analysis?
21 April 2020 2,309 3 View
Hello everybody, I am trying to solve a heat transfer problem(conjugate heat transfer )by the fluent, which is a heat transfer enhancement in a rectangular channel with baffles. The problem is a...
01 April 2020 3,094 12 View
I am not so clear the use of freestream velocity in FWH equation when helicopter rotor was in forward flight condition and observer position was fixed relative to the rotor. The description of...
22 March 2020 8,795 3 View
Hello everyone, I have problem on settings of farfield boundary condions. I want to increase turbulence intensity on the airfoil as inlet turbulence intensity but if i enter %2 , it decreases to...
19 March 2020 2,788 3 View
Generally, the chamber design depends on the atomizer used and on the air-fluid contact system selected. The height H of the drying chamber as a function of droplet diameter d and temperature...
06 March 2020 1,236 7 View
I had import my standard module model into the fluid module but it turns out blank in the fluid module. So basically what can I do to change the standard module into fluid module
20 February 2020 10,059 1 View
I want to calculate the rms of dp/dt,so i want to know if it is possible to calculate dp/dt then use the average field function to calculate the rms value of dp/dt does anyone any ideas how it...
11 February 2020 685 3 View
Compartment wall temperature can easily initialzed with boundary conditions but if fluid inside it are at different temperatures?
04 February 2020 4,701 4 View
Arakawa(1966)'s Jacobian(his eq. 46) is a mean of 3 components: J++(eq.36), J+x(eq.37), and Jx+(eq.38), which have different conservation properties. I am trying to show the difference when using...
16 January 2020 10,036 2 View
I have a case of a bend river with groynes. Is IRIC capable to do refinement?. I am working with NAYS2DH and FASTMECH modules.
09 January 2020 5,372 4 View
If transient dynamic simulations do not require any assumption of laminar, transitional or turbulent flow, why is not used for all CFD simulations? Is there no reason other than computational expense?
18 December 2019 8,286 4 View
Dear colleagues, currently I am running several transient multiphase flows with gas and liquid phases using the inhomogeneous MUSIG model for bubbly flows on CFX from ANSYS 2019R3. I observed...
03 December 2019 1,628 11 View
I'm trying to model the rainfall effect on airfoil aerodynamics. I noticed in few papers, injector is placed upstream of airfoil which means air and rain travels in same direction and also in same...
11 November 2019 3,919 3 View
I'm trying to find an empirical correlation for obtaining the critical Reynolds number in a 180-degree bend/curve/elbow with a circular cross-section (See the figure). I've searched for a lot of...
23 October 2019 2,239 5 View
I am working on a external aerodynamics vehicle CFD simulation in which I want to make sure, that the flow that actually hits my vehicle has a certain level of turbulence intensity. Therefore I am...
23 September 2019 1,395 6 View