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Questions related to CFD Simulation
I am running CFD for the cavity flows in a shrouded stator of an axial compressor. I am using an FNMB connection for the cavity and main blade row. I am having trouble getting my mesh right for...
12 December 2015 8,376 1 View
In the CFD simulation of turbulence boundary layer, which reference length is fitness for the description of dimensionless length of the domain, wall unit, boundary layer thickness or others? I...
12 December 2015 8,346 11 View
Many thanks in advance for your help. #include "udf.h"#include "mem.h"#include "unsteady.h"DEFINE_PROFILE(pressure_outlet4, thread, index){ face_t f; real p,p1,p2; real t = CURRENT_TIME; real dt =...
12 December 2015 6,827 1 View
Dear all: In gas-water CFD simulation of a stirred tank,I found that the torque of water is a positive value,such as 8 Nm,but the torque of the gas is a negative value,such as -3Nm. Then the total...
12 December 2015 9,474 0 View
HI, My system consists of 3D airfoil in fluid domain. In CFD post, I am trying to get pressure data on the specific point for all time steps. I have defined a point and trying to set up transient...
12 December 2015 546 4 View
Your toughest technical questions will likely get answered within 48 hours on ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.
11 November 2015 2,681 0 View
Hi all, I am a phd student desperate for some unsteady atmospheric dispersion data to validate my CFD model and data assimilation methods (include source estimation). I have spent a lot of time...
11 November 2015 3,005 16 View
Dear all, I am interested in an algorithm for hexahedral automatic mesh generation direct from medical segmented images. (Voxex-based hexahedral mesh) Do you have an algorithm for successfully...
10 October 2015 3,177 6 View
An experimental set up can be easily made to rotate a disk. We can apply pressure below the disk to stretch it. But I do not understand how I can supply the heat to the disk.
10 October 2015 9,487 5 View
As a phD researcher, I am trying to validate my solver through use of decaying isotropic turbulence. I preferred to use the Wray1997 data, which would be a good step towards evaluating my solver's...
18 September 2015 923 2 View
I´m developing a tool to generate an openFoam wind tunnel case. I already have the blade geometry constructed, but I'm really new to CFD and parametric meshing. I found some articles where they...
09 September 2015 9,710 16 View
Hello Everyone, I am trying to simulate a high speed train (2D) , in fluent. I have used sliding mesh before , so I setup my problem accordingly, creating two separate zones, one for solid and one...
09 September 2015 3,680 10 View
any one guide to carry out cfd simulation of wavy fins in forced convection
09 September 2015 3,409 3 View
I am assisting my Dr and he asked me if i can get him with a CFD simulation problem or example concercing a ventillation system of a car parking. Can anyone please help? Its highly important to...
09 September 2015 5,566 0 View
I am trying to decide a research topic in CFD modeling of combustion. I have gone through a lot of literature to get an overall idea. I also want to use this forum to get some help. I have...
09 September 2015 5,306 0 View
I have to do a simulation of multiphase gas flowing in a pipe that enters through a device, and that gas contains liquid as a disperse phase (as a mist), and for the particle injection in the...
09 September 2015 5,061 8 View
09 September 2015 5,030 3 View
I create a simple cylinder in gambit and then i convert it into mdFoam solver of openfoam. i must apply a cyclic BC for my inlet and outlet, however when i use use "cyclic" in my 0 and Constant,...
11 August 2015 9,407 5 View
I have planned a small building using all the planning considerations given in literature to make it passive and simulated this building on CFD. air velocities are satisfactory inside the room. i...
08 August 2015 4,441 29 View
In CFD simulation of airflow from human airways with the cases of inhalation exhalation, how to fixed the boundary condition with Pressure inlet and pressure outlet ? In my case pressure is...
08 August 2015 9,054 17 View
Does anyone know any CFD modeling software that can be used for hydraulic computation purpose?
08 August 2015 941 18 View
08 August 2015 9,949 6 View
Dear all researchers I want to define new fuel physical properties in AVL-FIRE. I read the software's manual and found that I should work with user define functions. In software's manual don't...
08 August 2015 528 2 View
Hi, I am simulating a multiphase flow through a geometry having a cylindrical passage then nozzle then an orifice. I am interested in calculating the Reynolds number. I have gone through few...
07 July 2015 8,940 21 View