I'm having extreme difficulty identifying this bacteria... here are the results of some of the tests I've performed. Any insight is greatly appreciated!
TTC Motility: strongly motile
Gram stain: negative
Shape: short rods/cocci
O2 requirements: facultative anaerobe
Temperature requirements: 25°C - 37°C (possibly higher temperatures)
Thioglycolate growth within tube: growth around stab
TSI slant: red (no sucrose or lactose fermentation)
TSI butt: yellow (glucose fermentation)
Methyl Red: positive
Voges-Proskauer: positive
MacConkey: fair growth, no colour
Preferred growth media: TSA
O/F dextrose: positive
O/F sucrose: negative
O/F xylose: positive
O/F mannitol: negative
O/F lactose: negative
O/F glucose: positive
Oxidase: negative
Catalase: positive
Gelatinase: negative
Urease: positive
Nitrate reduction: positive
Arginine: positive
Citrate: negative
Lysine: negative
Ornithine: positive
Casein: negative
Starch: negative
**Edit: I've gone through Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology 9th volume, and there are bacteria that have very similar characteristics, but I've found nothing to match perfectly. I believe it's somewhere in group 5, but have yet to find a bacteria that has everything I'm looking for. Usually, the VP and citrate tests are off.