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Questions related to Automotive Engineering
Re-manufacturing and recycling in performed by informal sector in India. It results in inefficient material recovery, but also they put their effort in saving the resources (substituting labor for...
29 February 2016 2,059 3 View
I want to know if there are efficient algorithm for forward looking SAR? I want to apply it to an automotive radar to form image. Thanks in advance
29 February 2016 4,917 3 View
The normal porous aluminum alloy manufacturing process are just in a cylindrical shape. So, are there any special die in pressing process. Please provide me the procedure of this kind of car...
28 February 2016 4,648 1 View
What is the difference between lateral force and longitudinal force in tire? How can I define side-slip angle in both direction?
28 February 2016 6,888 2 View
What is the difference between shock and strut? Do wheel have to be realigned when strut are replaced?
28 February 2016 8,814 1 View
I am working on a project for improving the fuel economy of a carbureted bike engine by 10%. I am thinking of employing deceleration fuel cut off with the help of air screw on the carburetor by...
27 February 2016 341 2 View
a detailed answer will be highly appreciated, thanks in advance
24 February 2016 5,546 1 View
Automotive Product Development
24 February 2016 9,094 3 View
Such as function , limitation and so on.
21 February 2016 9,853 3 View
Please tell us: electrode wear affects how the quality of EDM machining?
21 February 2016 3,327 4 View
Automotive Engine
20 February 2016 5,412 3 View
hello everyone, i am a undergraduate student in automotive engineering.this is my project and anyone can recommend me how to improve handling for mitsubishi lancer..thank you
19 February 2016 8,958 1 View
is it possible to increase the efficiency of a two stroke engine . by introducing a mechanism to facilitate the scavenging mechanism other than the new fuel just push it out. will it be done to...
16 February 2016 5,795 1 View
Why idling condition requires more power because the vehicle is not moving?
14 February 2016 2,818 3 View
Can anyone help me, how can I do fatigue analysis o in ANSYS and extract S-N curves?
08 February 2016 7,454 3 View
Hi everyone, Can anyone please help me with the real time lithium ion battery operating temperature during driving conditions in electric vehicles (Cylindrical 18650 cells) from literature...
04 February 2016 2,086 3 View
Inertia relief method is used to determine loads and estimate fatigue life for an automotive part. Would like to use these derived loads for fatigue testing of the part in a lab where the part...
04 February 2016 6,659 2 View
here is paper i wish to replicate before i get into my thesis
04 February 2016 4,344 4 View
Dear all, I need some information about the compression rings real profile (like as curvature shape,face-width) in the high performance engines. For example, regarding F1 and racing cars in detail.
26 January 2016 5,045 2 View
For example, n-butanol, and iso-butanol have different octane numbers. What is the influencing factor behind different ON, though both of them have the same chemical formula.
25 January 2016 2,864 2 View
Hello, everyone, I try to find a phase portrait of first order systems of the forme X'=AX+BU, and so, for trying to explain the effect of the choice of the initial conditions to the convergence,...
18 January 2016 2,163 3 View
I need some good materials on TVD and their applications to automotive driveline NVH control. Thanks.
02 January 2016 4,620 6 View
In a dc to dc converter ,the topology is boost .I employ a schottky diode . But I find schottky leakage current depend on Junction thermal . the value of leakage current is about tens of...
31 December 2015 7,384 3 View
I wonder if the length of the delay period in the compression ignition engine has a significant effect in the formation of pollutants like CO,NOx,soot, unburned HC ....etc.
30 December 2015 3,410 7 View