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Questions related to Automotive Engineering
I am simulating crashworthiness under oblique loading. Both the contact surfaces(one being rigid and the other modeled using solid elements) are supposed to be at an angle. However, the body with...
23 September 2016 2,503 3 View
Gearbox is a very important parts in a car so therefore I want to know and make sure I am using a right software, tools and process to overcome the problems related to gearbox malfuntioning.
14 September 2016 4,989 2 View
Also I want to know the time for which nano particles will be dispersed in oil without using surfactants.
14 September 2016 3,610 2 View
I need the dimensions and geometry of a passenger car front seat which i will be modeling in MATLAB Multibody. If someone has worked on this in solidworks or Pro- E i would request you to let me...
14 September 2016 2,890 2 View
I have researched on the numerical simulation of side-door impact test according to FMVSS 214 (for automotive) However, I don't have a side-door model. In abaqus, there is example model on the...
05 September 2016 5,092 2 View
Is motor should capable enough to cater the required input torque to gear subjected to test or can it be less, since the loading mechanism is different
02 September 2016 2,008 1 View
What could be the reason for a bad phase difference between lateral velocity calculated by a bicycle model and from the measurements? My cornering stiffnesses and other parameters are correct....
31 August 2016 3,363 3 View
There are a variety of motors out there I'm concerned with primarily AC and DC servos due to better accuracy and due to the brushless core which gives it longer service life. But I'm still not...
30 August 2016 9,750 9 View
The fuel viscosity is attributed to two parameters: cohesion and molecular interchange. While the former decreases with temperature and the latter increases with temperature. So, is it possible...
26 August 2016 7,498 4 View
How much is the actual Brake mean effective pressure of cars running on roads?
24 August 2016 1,563 3 View
leading edge of the wing is 1 inch, Main wing Rib height is 1.2 Inches, trailing edge is 0.9 inch, and chord length is 9 inches. I am beginner.Please guide me.If any further Information is...
20 August 2016 3,396 3 View
as showed in the picture i attached, if i want to turn a disk on which a force F2 is applied, how much torque do i need? if my disk angular velocity is supposed to be 60 rpm.
19 August 2016 1,533 3 View
The highest temperature is 400 K and the volumes are V1=V4=12917mm^3 and ,V3= V2=7598mm^3. Mass of air is 1.53*10^-5 kg
10 August 2016 358 2 View
Can anyone suggest me some research paper or book related to failures on transverse flux reluctance machine(TFRM)? Specifically , related to 1. Transient voltage 2. Overload 3. Winding failure. As...
02 August 2016 4,631 3 View
i want the company , the name of the car and the model
26 July 2016 9,815 6 View
I am building a powertrain model in Simscape and the battery in SimPowerSystems is more suitable for my application. In order to interface with the rest of my Simscape model I am using interface...
22 July 2016 1,113 3 View
i am working on project in which we will be converting a gasoline powered engine to E100.To increase the compression ratio we have decided to change the piston as we have decided to increase the...
22 July 2016 8,366 3 View
I want to analyse the impact of my fuel injection timing on HC emissions. Currently I am measuring the raw emissions at a point of 65 cms and 90 cms from exhaust port. But I cannot really see the...
13 July 2016 6,373 5 View
Can anyone let me know where can we download 3D profile road data for specific distance of our interest.
12 July 2016 6,845 2 View
In many vehicles, the idling speed of the engine isn't sufficient to supply necessary output current. At this time, the Pulley Ratio needs to be modified in order to amplify the engine rotating...
21 June 2016 6,725 8 View
I am studying external aerodynamics of ground vehicles. I want to do a project on reducing fuel consumption of mini vans by using spoiler and diffusor. Is it possible?
15 June 2016 6,340 4 View
15 June 2016 9,799 6 View
I am interested in the relative magnitudes of k and c values of automotive suspension during bounce and re-bounce.
27 May 2016 1,654 4 View
I have tried quartz filter and i was able to collect my soot over it and it is good for TGA but I'm not sure it is really helpful for the FTIR
26 May 2016 7,746 2 View