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Questions related to Automotive Engineering
I have to design a braking performance test bench for Toyota Corolla. For that i need to have equivalent mass/ inertia of the car. I have just started my work. I could'nt find any data about...
30 January 2017 5,940 1 View
We are building an electrospinning system and we have tested the fiber produced and we found that we have reached nano-scale. Now, we want to optimize this system by installing a drum with motor...
29 January 2017 1,127 3 View
what are the flexibility/importance of wheel selection in hybrid electric vehicle.
26 January 2017 4,874 2 View
24 January 2017 4,975 8 View
For more details please find the attached the motor data sheet and the gearbox is worm kind with ratio is 10:1.
17 January 2017 8,262 3 View
I have a trailer and I want to calculate the driving force on it in different driving situations. By the word driving force (Fd), I mean Fd >= 0 if trailer acceleration >=0 and Fd
13 January 2017 8,858 5 View
Dear Fraternities, In our present work on developing the solar car, Al6061 alloy sheet has been utilized to fabricate some body part of the car. It has been used TIG welding to join the sheet...
12 January 2017 2,331 6 View
What are the standard dimensions of speed bumps on different roads in terms of their height, width and shape?
23 November 2016 9,727 3 View
What should be the value of friction coefficient on the steel surface applied with Loctite 515 synthetic adhesive?
18 November 2016 5,691 2 View
11 November 2016 8,575 2 View
I an searching for hydraulic modulator dynamic and how to use my controller output( braking torque) to modulate pressure by actuating solenoid valves? Please help me... Thank You
10 November 2016 9,542 4 View
Suggest suitable formulae or method to calculate the in-cylinder gas temperature in a diesel engine from the measured in-cylinder gas pressure during combustion.
02 November 2016 9,846 8 View
Is there a relation that estimates steering wheel angle from the lateral acceleration of the vehicle? If yes, can someone please explain. Thank you.
26 October 2016 9,090 2 View
The useable battery capacity for electric car is 21kwh when the car is fully charge the distance that it can travel is 135 km how I can found the power in kw that the car take to be fully charged??
23 October 2016 4,926 3 View
Need some useful papers related to Jet Impingement
19 October 2016 8,931 2 View
I was studying the equilibrium of moments(about X axis) equation of a motorcycle taking a turn when i cam across this term Iyz Ω2. Where Ω is the angular velocity of motorcycle taking a turn I...
15 October 2016 3,415 2 View
Am working on an experimental project which is a part of automotive systems. I will come straight to the point. The set up is that stainless steel screws are used to screw together stainless steel...
15 October 2016 7,744 4 View
How to simulate the CO and CO2 concentration? Is balanced chemical equation is enough or some simulated pressure and temperature data vs Crank angle is also needed just like NOx. Can any one...
15 October 2016 3,240 3 View
At present we have a radar data and a camera data. now the problem is that how are we supposed to do mapping for camera data and radar data based on automotive field that is how the speed of...
13 October 2016 9,219 2 View
Longitudinal acceleration can be figured out by the vehicle speed and it's effect on the motor can also be determined easily. What about lateral acceleration during cornering and it's effect on...
12 October 2016 6,452 3 View
What type sensor should i used, and how gasoline flow is converted into electrical signal. Moreover, how the electrical signal is processed in order to display the price in the digital meter.
11 October 2016 4,589 1 View
How i can get the poles of observer for a boost converter (with LMI approch) ? I have J=2, (iL and Vc) So, I have one matrix A( because it's independent of iL and Vc) and four B, (B1,B2,B3...
10 October 2016 9,457 1 View
We have different types of best improvement project scheme and intranet material sharing platforms. However, they are not well coordinated. Any suggestions on how to collaborate those knowledge...
07 October 2016 5,008 2 View
Since kerosene is cheaper than diesel and diesel engines are more tolerate for fuel formulation, would it be possible to increase the usage of kerosene in CI engines? I understood 'Winter Diesel'...
06 October 2016 987 3 View