46 Questions 126 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rey Segundo Guerrero-Proenza
The Science is a system, because it models the existing world, which can be represented as a system. On the other hand, particular sciences have to follow the same criteria, and there have to be...
06 March 2023 8,825 6 View
Currently PLE are widely applied in online education, specially to that approach known as networked learning. PLE can be considered one of expressions of openness, where most of tools are...
08 November 2019 6,429 10 View
There are many documents, describing or characterizing separation axioms, both "classical", like T0, T1, T2, and others, defined using more complicated conditions. Is there any document,...
28 August 2019 4,098 8 View
During the last two decades, ontologies has been one of the main formalisms, applied in domain modeling, and currently one can find ontological representations in almost every field of...
24 March 2018 7,170 9 View
There are several opinions on Moodle capabilities as a platform for MOOC, for example, see:...
12 March 2018 3,162 6 View
Moodle is one of the best platforms for virtual or blended courses, even for supporting face-to-face courses, where several resources and interactions need to be available anytime, not depending...
02 March 2018 7,258 9 View
One of the main, and not solved yet problem, in AI fundamental research, is the definition of Intelligence. But, when in theoretical and practical approaches researchers refers to IA concrete...
22 November 2017 1,698 5 View
Several sets of pedagogical ideas and theories have emerged during the last years, one of them, connectivism. What, among them, could be considered an emerging pedagogy, not only because it is an...
25 September 2017 2,906 11 View
Structure is one of the most used categories in science and technology. But there are several approaches, first of all, for understanding what is structure and, on the other hand, how to find it.
14 March 2017 5,200 10 View
Many Higher Education institutions are engaged in MOOC development; consequently, several researches are taking places.But there have been many problems, related to the failure, also massive, of...
10 February 2017 9,718 15 View
Prediction in Education is a very complex task, due the high number of factors, most of them of qualitative type. Among others, researchers applied statistical analysis (different kinds of...
31 January 2017 341 4 View
Ontologies have emerged as a result of investigations to overcome the problems presented in knowledge-based systems, mainly in knowledge acquisition. The above knowledge-based systems are mainly...
17 December 2012 3,352 3 View
What do you think on this regard? Do you have other point of view? Do you support or you don't, that brain is like a computational artifact?
01 January 1970 505 6 View
There are a number of theories, describing the human psychology, both theoretical and practical aspects. Considering that all those theories are describing the same object, the same reality, it...
01 January 1970 7,727 13 View
Number theory is among cryptography foundations, but sometimes it is hard for students to understand the theory, mostly due the lack of previous skills and knowledge of that mathematical theory...
01 January 1970 9,604 6 View
During the last 10-11 months almost all countries have been fighting against the most terrible pandemic in the last 100 years. Many things have changed, among them, the teaching and learning...
01 January 1970 7,255 21 View
Segundo llamado a ponencias capítulo Habana del III Simposio Internacional Ciencia e Innovación Tecnológica 2019 Incluye: Segundo taller de investigadores en educación a distancia Primer taller...
01 January 1970 6,871 7 View
Currently there is a trend to apply virtual methods, ICT based, to teaching in HE . Frequently professors face the situation, when they have been teaching in face-to-face modality and want/need to...
01 January 1970 4,799 6 View
Since this semester started, I have been applying (or trying to) several strategies that can be related to that current approach in teaching and learning, known as Flipped Classroom. Particularly...
01 January 1970 356 9 View
I have in mind, that Logic is mainly about thinking, abstract thinking, particularly reasoning. Reasoning is a process, structured by steps, when one conclusion usually is based on a previous one,...
01 January 1970 3,154 3 View
Knowing and understanding the past is one of the approaches to dealing with the present issues. Currently the Human Being is practically "under attack", due the Covid19 pandemic. When talking...
01 January 1970 916 3 View
I have been looking for a free software with the same functionalities of Matlab Neural Networks toolbox. I have read some documents, mainly on freemat, but up to now nothing promising: any suggestion?
01 January 1970 3,051 4 View
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not a new field of research and applications, at least in the sense that "new" is understood in computer science. Even this current rise of public attention to its...
01 January 1970 7,044 61 View
Currently many specialists (or dilettantes, including those writing on AI in media) are considering Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (and in general, data based techniques) as the...
01 January 1970 1,226 4 View
What are the main topics, researched currently in the field of preferences? What are the more relevant open questions? Are the general definition of preferences among them (or equivalent: is there...
01 January 1970 333 1 View
The question is intended to consider factors like: Their historical origin and factor, influencing on their development Their application since 2012. MOOCs classification Main detected...
01 January 1970 3,155 47 View
What type of project is the most frequent, the research project, the developmental project, both? What part of Educational Technology and e-Learning is currently the most frequent subject of the...
01 January 1970 9,994 26 View
There is an extensive bibliography on machine learning, both practical (the most of books) and (several) on theoretical foundations. What is (in your opinion) the best book related to theoretical...
01 January 1970 3,404 4 View
There are several known contributions of Topology to ML. But: what has been the contributions of ML to the research on General Topology, and particularly to Finite Topological Spaces? Do you...
01 January 1970 9,646 1 View
In general Logic is frequently a difficult issue for the most of students. Particularly theorems' proof and related deductive structures are hard to learn. Do you have the same opinion? Have you...
01 January 1970 8,230 0 View
Virtual education is a wide field of research and applicactions. The rise of Web 2.0 based resources, including social networks (among them, academics ones), accelerated by applications of...
01 January 1970 8,639 39 View
Probably the recent boom of AI applied in Education started with the rise of analytical techniques (I'd like to emphasize: *recent*, because AI has a long history in applications in the field of...
01 January 1970 9,819 32 View
The concept of formal system and/or its properties is present frequently in many practical and theoretical components of computer science methods, tools, theories, etc. But it is frequent too,...
01 January 1970 1,063 4 View
I am having in mind two alternatives: first, when an input vector produces an incorrect output, the weights are changed and it is checked that they work for the next vector. Or, if the input...
01 January 1970 3,190 0 View
Given the number of Engineering students I have seen dropping out their studies, I tried a search over Internet for more wide information and, it looks like it is a very spread issue: several...
01 January 1970 941 5 View
Currently, AI is being applied in many areas of society, in its economic, social, educational, and many other components. But normally the current applications of computer science are...
01 January 1970 6,923 4 View
Since 2000, beginning with Mizoguchi and Bourdeau seminal publication "Using Ontological Engineering to Overcome Common AI-ED Problems", and other researchers publications, ontologies and semantic...
01 January 1970 6,358 3 View
I have noticed that students of all courses have less preparation, also less responsibility and commitment to their studies, even less dedication to assignments (and less time dedicated to them)....
01 January 1970 1,479 11 View
Formal systems are known deductive systems, representing some aspects of the environment, nature, thinking or, more frequently, abstract representations of the former subjects. But, assuming the...
01 January 1970 938 1 View
For successful application of Flipped classroom approach in HE, the active student participation is a key issue; if they don't study/prepare the oriented content, the in classroom activities...
01 January 1970 7,065 7 View
The idea is: intuitively any thing, developed as a programming application, can be considered, directly or indirectly a component of some human activity: in some cases they...
01 January 1970 9,585 3 View
Timetabling it is a very complicated task. Algorithms, solving it are very complex, due the (usually) large number of restrictions to be accomplished. There are a large number of software...
01 January 1970 3,633 4 View
Several evidences show that students have some difficult in success in Mathematical Logic. Is the case in your HE institution?; in which specialties?
01 January 1970 2,970 11 View
I am used to receive the information on practical classes, lectures and other learning activities schedule when the given period of time starts. But I found other forms of organization,...
01 January 1970 3,879 4 View
The great number of resources existing in academic social networks, and the researchers interacting throughout them, looks to be an unquestionable factor supporting the organization and execution...
01 January 1970 6,721 3 View
Digital educational resources are widely applied in Education, and particularly, in virtual education. But, as many other concepts in that field, there a great number of definitions or approaches...
01 January 1970 6,571 10 View