80 Questions 124 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ijaz Ahmad
Dear experts on Active Tectonics and Tectonic geomorphology When we see the topography of Himalayas through which the Indus is flowing, it is observed that the Indus River is following the active...
01 October 2022 8,019 5 View
Dear Researchers on Landslides On 4th January, 2010, a large rock slide (landslide) suddenly occurred on right bank of Hunza river and dammed the river. Prior to this failure, local people of...
28 September 2022 8,722 1 View
Dear Researchers on Structural Geology and Tectonics Strike-Slip Faulting: Is there any example of strike-slip fault with blocks moving in same direction but with different speed? Regards Ijaz
02 December 2021 5,429 11 View
Dear experts on Landslides Geological characterization of 1. seismically triggered and 2. aseismically/non-seismically triggered large landslides, what and how? Regards Ijaz
17 September 2021 2,765 5 View
Dear Colleagues What is slope spectrum and how is it useful for landforms differentiation? Thanks for help in concept clarification. With best regards Ijaz
12 January 2021 3,219 3 View
Dear researchers Is there any chance for a geological mineral to act as an antidote for covid-19? Challenge for geoscientists all over the world. Regards Ijaz Ahmad
02 January 2021 3,637 3 View
Dear earthquake experts What is the sense of slip either strike-slip or thrust fault for Turkey earthquake on 30-10-2020? thanks for comments. regards Ijaz image from bbcurdu.com.
30 October 2020 2,034 3 View
Dear Sedimentologists/Geologists What is the mode of genesis for these ring-like features and deposition environment of these sandstone boulders? Location: Litra Nala, Taunsa Distt. Dera Ghazi...
23 August 2019 3,094 4 View
Dear RG experts on Rock Slope Failure Mechanisms In which rock types Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Displacements (DSGSDs) are often located? Regards Ijaz
14 April 2019 4,826 3 View
Dear colleagues Does face impression describe an individual's ethnicity? regards Ijaz
23 March 2019 1,719 3 View
Dear RG colleagues Women' Day: How to create awareness among under-age children to save them from "INCEST" crimes and criminals of society? Regards Ijaz
09 March 2019 9,505 1 View
Dear RG experts on Earthquake prediction How trees react to pre-earthquake, syn-earthquake and post-earthquake signals and changes in the earth's crust? Regards Ijaz
02 March 2019 5,209 4 View
Dear RG Geologists Is Earth,s core due to its 3D radial pressure and temperature effects responsible for first mantle convection currents and secondly plate motions? Thanks for comments. Regards Ijaz
09 February 2019 797 4 View
Dear researchers Lesson learned from Indonesia tsunami? Thanks for comments with a step towards Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) through awareness. Regards Ijaz Pics from...
25 December 2018 1,468 3 View
Dear researchers What are the steps to generate a "Seismic Landslide Susceptibility Map" on scale 1:50,000? Thanks for help. With best regards Ijaz
11 December 2018 2,582 3 View
Dear RG colleagues What was the major reason behind the global cooling on Earth during the year 536 AC? Thanks for comments. Regards Ijaz
01 December 2018 9,260 3 View
Dear RG researchers To avoid any type of disaster of any type, I want to know about the following: How much is it practical to make the flow velocity of a debris flow by making a suitable...
15 September 2018 9,275 1 View
Dear RG researchers Is there any record of earthquake that triggered more than 50,000 landslides? Thanks for positive feedback. Regards Ijaz
15 September 2018 6,966 6 View
Dear RG researchers What is meant by the term "Channel gradient" and how is it measured? Regards Ijaz
15 September 2018 2,566 0 View
Dear RG researchers What is sedimentary rock and how it can be described by scientific way? The purpose to ask the question make it a platform for young geological learners. Reagrds Ijaz
06 September 2018 3,307 5 View
Dear RG researchers What is metamorphic rock and how it can be described by scientific way? The purpose to ask the question make it a platform for young geological learners. Reagrds Ijaz
06 September 2018 4,530 9 View
Dear RG researchers Request for help how InSAR data can be accessed and downloaded for surface deformation. Regards Ijaz
20 August 2018 4,788 6 View
Dear colleagues I want some material.papers/articles on disaster chain processes. Thanks if any body provides above-said material/papers/articles.. With best regards Ijaz
04 August 2018 9,448 2 View
Dear researchers on landslides I want to know that how much is it possible to adopt a unified method for regional-scale landslide susceptibility mapping to reach a common output. Thanks for...
28 July 2018 4,522 3 View
Dear RG researchers I want to know that either it is possible to feel/observe/monitor the changes in the Earth's Core on Earth's Surface in real time. Is there any relationship between changes in...
21 July 2018 3,932 1 View
Dear RG collwagues I want to know about the different ways for migration of hydrocarbon from source rock to reservoir rock. Thanks for feed back. Regards Ijaz
07 July 2018 5,914 15 View
Dear Colleagues It is requested to share any type of research material published on Kashmir Earthquake 2005 of Pakistan so that the project...
18 May 2018 5,877 2 View
Dear RG colleagues It is requested to share a classical picture/video of landslide event with intention to raise awareness among the public so that natural disaster risk may be mitigated. With...
09 May 2018 8,418 28 View
Dear RG Researchers Who like to share the most favorite research interest produced/published (classic work) in Earth Science? Regards Ijaz
04 May 2018 3,454 4 View
Dear programmers/programming expert I want to learn programming as a beginner. Thanks for the provision of very basic programming steps/skills as a start up. With best regards Ijaz
02 May 2018 1,485 5 View
I want to know any research on recurrence interval of landslide damming on Indus through Himalayas of Pakistan. Regards Ijaz
17 April 2018 8,073 2 View
Dear RG colleagues I want to know which geomorphological features/landforms are developed from each type of following rocks by exogenic processes: 1. Volcanic rocks 2. Plutonic rocks 3....
03 March 2018 1,545 9 View
Dear RG colleagues I want to know about any example for pre-seismic landslides/debris flows/mass movements as a prediction for an earthquake. Regards ijaz
24 February 2018 4,249 4 View
When one see himself/herself in dream during sleeping younger (less than 20 years) than his/her actual life (more than 40), how this relationship can be explored. Thanks for comments. regards ijaz
16 February 2018 6,137 13 View
Dear Researchers on RG Although animal and birds calls are evident as early warn, yet an unusual silence in the atmosphere were reported by general public just before Kashmir earthquake 2005 in...
26 January 2018 2,523 5 View
Dear researchers I want to know a free software that a researcher is using personally for his/her own research purposes and that can be operated in a personal laptop. Please avoid to refer the...
21 January 2018 2,942 2 View
Dear RG colleagues According to the concept of dooms-day, there will be a disaster on whole earth due to a shake. Thanks in advance for valuable feed-back. Regards Ijaz
14 January 2018 9,752 29 View
Dear colleagues Request to give your feed back. Regards ijaz
21 October 2017 3,657 8 View
Dear all During search on internet, I found that very advance research is limited to the nationals of developed countries. I want to know the point of view from research gate fellows. REGARDS ijaz
03 August 2017 2,756 1 View
Dear all I want to know about this relationship especially in the case of Indus River and Nanga-Parbat Haramosh Massif (NPHM) from northern Pakistan. With best regards IJAZ
24 May 2017 7,288 4 View
Dear RG members Thanks for valuable inputs. Regards IJAZ
30 January 2017 1,699 3 View
Thanks for inputs. regards ijaz
18 December 2016 3,774 11 View
Thanks for valuable comments about genesis of sulfur mineralisation. Regards IJAZ
01 December 2016 3,736 13 View
During reading the paper, I get confused for the para given as under: In fact, high values of porosity and permeability characterize fault damage zones in low porosity carbonate rocks, while the...
27 November 2016 4,312 2 View
Thanks for comments to identify these landslides. Regards Ijaz
14 November 2016 4,454 4 View
Thanks advance for valuable comments.
04 November 2016 7,006 2 View
Dear RG members During reading a paper, I passed the statement "M 6.0 Ranau earthquake dated on June 05, 2015 coupling with intense and prolonged rainfall caused several mass movements such as...
20 October 2016 2,886 6 View
I want to know the key importance and reference of Cretaceous in geological time-scale.
08 October 2016 6,495 14 View
I want to know about these processes with comparison.
05 October 2016 2,790 2 View
Interested to know about flood return period.
05 October 2016 5,923 4 View
dear RG members I want to know about the difference between surface-reflectance property of a deformed surface (sheared/laterally spread) and an intact surface of a rock. Regards IJAZ
03 October 2016 4,961 4 View
Dear RG members I want to know about a change/changes in atmosphere just above the surface of the Earth can be observed very prior to earthquake initiation. Regards IJAZ
01 October 2016 408 7 View
Dear respected members Thanks in advance to provide valuable comments/suggestions. With best regards IJAZ
13 September 2016 6,391 6 View
Dear RG members I want to know about these principal stresses working in rifting, thrusting and folding. Only comments are welcome. Sorry to website's links. With best regards IJAZ
12 September 2016 4,733 9 View
Dear respected members Is there any study that heavy bombing may be a cause to generate an earthquake? Regards IJAZ
11 September 2016 5,494 12 View
Dear respected RG members Here is a proposed linear transect more or less 800 km long from south to north comprising 100 points on equal interval for tectonic deformation and stress analysis....
08 September 2016 5,534 3 View
Dear All I want this geological structure related interpretation. Regards Ijaz
07 September 2016 9,663 9 View
Dear respected RG members I want to get information regarding this question. Regards ijaz
31 August 2016 641 3 View
Dear all Advance thanks for providing information related to this landslide event. regards Ijaz
29 August 2016 3,183 3 View
Dear all Thanks in advance for comments, answers, papers etc. Regards Ijaz
29 August 2016 8,031 4 View
Dear all I want information or research in this respect. Regards Ijaz
26 August 2016 1,208 9 View
Dear All I want to have the point of view from different experts given below to adopt an integrated approach. 1. Geologist 2. Engineering Geologist 3. Mining Geologist 4. Geomorphologist 5....
24 August 2016 4,282 7 View
Dear All I want to know how gravity data from GRACE satellite can be used to recognize active fault segments. Thanks for help in advance. Regards Ijaz
23 August 2016 3,404 3 View
One example is of Hattian Landslide, Kashmir, Pakistan that was triggered by earthquake, 2005. This landslide is situated very near to trace length of Bagh-Balakot Fault and at the landslide...
10 August 2016 7,430 11 View
In Pakistan, when October 8, 2005 Kashmir earthquake shook the northern Pakistan and Kashmir with a great devastation. Just after the earthquake, precipitation/rainfall occurred in the epicenter...
05 August 2016 3,996 19 View
Hazara-Kashmir syntaxis and Nanga-Parbat Massif from northern Pakistan form the complex geological and structural style and are well known oroclinal bends from northwestern Himalayas. They also...
28 July 2016 8,518 2 View
Dear RG colleagues What is the scientific/logical concept and relationship of Life, Death and Life after Death with Hell and Heaven? Share your valuable comments to explore the ultimate truth and...
01 January 1970 6,895 9 View
Dear colleagues Once an American saw a dream during his/her night shift hours. He/she wrote this dream about volcano eruption and left it on the table. Next shift representative saw this paper and...
01 January 1970 274 1 View
Dear Collaborators I want to be the part of this project by being a PhD candidate. I request to help me in this regard. ijaz
01 January 1970 559 2 View
Dear RG researchers It is invited to join the discussion on Global Warming-Non-polar Glaciers and Climate Change. Regards Ijaz
01 January 1970 2,961 6 View
Dear colleagues Please participate here with your expertise and experience to reach the truth about internet. Internet: Free access to information or information feeding to users Further terms:...
01 January 1970 7,961 2 View
Dear RG colleagues Relationship between Earth's Surface Processes and the Processes or Changes in Earth's Core. Thanks for participation. Regards Ijaz
01 January 1970 9,443 1 View
Dear researchers Please share the data on request to other research colleagues so that KKH risk reduction measures may be improved. Regards Ijaz
01 January 1970 7,420 0 View
Dear experts on dam failure and resulting disaster Compartmentalisation of reservoir water of the large Dams: Eliminate the impact of post-failure dam disaster It is postulated that such a...
01 January 1970 3,386 0 View
Dear RG colleagues Please share your experience about anxiety/depression you face in your daily life and how do you try to avoid or combat to mitigate its impacts. Thanks for update. With best...
01 January 1970 3,742 2 View
Dear International relations experts/Sociologists Weak is weak, always deserves to be supported not dictated: From individual level to country level. Thanks for comments. Regards Ijaz
01 January 1970 6,791 3 View
Dear colleagues PhD producing university professor should not be considered retired, do you agree? Thanks for comments. Regards Ijaz
01 January 1970 450 0 View
Dear colleagues Dispossession from nationality is OPEN VIOLATION of very basic human rights, YES or NO. thanks for comments. regards ijaz
01 January 1970 8,412 4 View
Dear Structural Geologists Outcrop-Scale Natural Fracture Systems:They can characterise subsurface reservoir VS They cannot characterise subsurface reservoir. Thanks for information sharing and...
01 January 1970 2,216 0 View
Last dream on last day of 2018 during sleep: USA's Air Force loaded with atomic warheads attacked China, in return China defended successfully. What is your last dream in 2018? REgards Ijaz
01 January 1970 2,101 3 View