48 Questions 2K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Demetris Christopoulos
Archetypal Analysis (AA) is a method for analyzing data by looking at its convex hull and not by looking "inside" it, as is the practice in most of other procedures. For example in Cluster...
06 June 2019 5,963 3 View
There are many alarming facts last two decades on the role of specific lobbies to the scientific research activity. Starting from ex-Vice President Al Gore, who suddenly decided to worry about...
06 June 2016 2,774 19 View
The standard cosmology is based on next very strong assumptions: general relativity is valid Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric is proper Lets bypass the 1st assumption for the moment and...
04 April 2016 7,973 22 View
If we have a set of 107 (xi,yi) observations and we want to find the parameters of a model using Self-Starting models in R, then we will fail: Error : cannot allocate vector of size 128.0 Mb Does...
06 June 2015 3,362 1 View
There are many available technologies for a wound with a high level of drainage. Which type do you think is the best one? (Ag, TLC, polymer, ... ?) It is necessary to emphasize that we are...
02 February 2015 9,105 22 View
Has arxiv.org fallen into an arrogant state, due to its over-success? From certain examples it seems that: (i)It is a non-declared Journal without known editor in chief, without known referees...
11 November 2014 4,811 30 View
I have an R package and I want to update it by giving the option to run a pre-compiled .dll made from a Fortran source, since by this way it is very fast. The problem is that I'd like to have...
10 October 2014 7,484 10 View
Gravitational waves are predicted from general relativity: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_wave For somebody who wants more details, a good text is here, page...
10 October 2014 1,360 23 View
What is a field? Everywhere around a 'source' of the field, if we put a 'test particle', then a 'force' will be applied to it, coming from the source.This definition has a critical drawback: if...
10 October 2014 7,985 100 View
It is a Postulate or Axiom or Dogma for cosmological thoughts. What is your opinion about?
08 August 2014 4,323 39 View
Many paradoxes have been created the last 100 years after the complete dominance of relativity theories in cosmology. We could talk about the End of Physics, in a similar manner as F. Fukuyama...
08 August 2014 8,303 6 View
(A) Let X\neq\emptyset and \tau\in P(x), where P(X) is the power set of X. Then if we have that: i) X,\emptyset\in\tau ii) i\in I, A_{i}\in\tau \Rightarrow \cup_{i\in I}{A_{i}} \in \Tau iii) j\in...
06 June 2014 3,963 90 View
We have two absolutely equal masses m1=m2=m that are in a distance r12=r21=r away each other. The masses are in rest in the laboratory frame. According to General Relativity (GR) each mass leads...
05 May 2014 7,682 61 View
We start from our "rigid body notion", where we can define concepts like translation, rotation and other deriving from them, like linear position variables or angles of rotation and velocities. We...
04 April 2014 6,571 18 View
There are many readings for the same set of data for our evolution as human beings. Others read the circular growth and recession times by a pessimistic mood while others believe that humanity...
03 March 2014 5,113 68 View
Some examples of standard models: *the standard model in High Energy Physics: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Model *the standard model in Economics:...
02 February 2014 6,136 7 View
I am giving some initial issues: 1) A certain field that QM cannot show is the concept of 'quantum chaos'. This is due to its linear form, so with linearity you can not explain the 'hard...
02 February 2014 6,540 84 View
Let me give some conclusions about quantum theory: 1)We have to discriminate between the term discrete-discretize and quantum-quantize. A matter of discrete Physics is the black body radiation...
02 February 2014 5,100 9 View
Everybody has his/her experiences about how much % dirty job is 'doing science'. I am just pointing some examples here: 1)The Publish or Perish industry: It is a big trade with enormous publishing...
01 January 2014 4,407 25 View
I want to read as a date rows like this: YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTES SECS 2013 DEC 20 00 13 18.5 I have tried a lot of options and nothing! Is there any explanation, any solution? Thank you.
01 January 2014 7,055 9 View
For the Feynman path integral interpretation: R. P. Feynman and A. R. Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, (McGraw-Hill, New York,1965) You can find it...
01 January 2014 2,989 20 View
Recently I participated in a discussion about modern aspects of some mathematical concepts. Although I found many new and interesting issues there I left with the feeling that we have to be modern...
01 January 2014 8,981 36 View
If we look at the laws of Newton, Schroedinger, Einstein and others we can observe that they are all second order degree differential equations, ordinary or partial. Why such a coincidence? Is...
12 December 2013 4,511 86 View
This theory is a very old one, starting from 19th century, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sturm%E2%80%93Liouville_theory and for history...
12 December 2013 9,720 23 View
I am looking at many publications in journals for which they demand more than 600$ and even 2900$ for the peer reviewing of a submitted article. So, is there anybody who really believes that after...
12 December 2013 6,775 80 View
I consider both linear and nonlinear regression as one technique, although they have differences. Since there exist even whole disciplines in social sciences that are using regression as a...
12 December 2013 2,253 22 View
Take for example the deeper meaning of differentiation: the local existence of a linear mapping that locally linearizes the nonlinear function. This is apparent in functions of one or many...
11 November 2013 1,613 42 View
I am referencing to the publication of PT Pappas: The original Ampere force and Biot-Savart and Lorentz forces, Il Nuovo Cimento B, Series 11, Societe Italiana di Fisica, 1983, 76, 189-197 which...
11 November 2013 7,665 20 View
i)If answer is yes, then is Probability a conservative concept, like Energy? ii)If i) is true, then which is the relevant Group Symmetry?
11 November 2013 5,383 39 View
By the term Billiard-Physics (BP for short) I mean the Physics where all interactions are implemented via intermediate particles like the bosons W, Z, now Higgs H etc. For example QED, QCD or...
11 November 2013 5,867 29 View
E. Schroedinger in his article "AN UNDULATORY THEORY OF THE MECHANICS OF ATOMS AND MOLECULES", see here: http://prola.aps.org/pdf/PR/v28/i6/p1049_1 writes about geometrical optics(page 1055): "The...
11 November 2013 5,864 41 View
Let' s accept that the Higgs boson has discovered by CERN at the energy of 125 GeV. OK. Higgs boson is actually a field that: 1) it is present everywhere 2) it acts like a friction 3) so it gives...
10 October 2013 9,019 35 View
As those who are familiar with Numerical Analysis know, every machine has its own 'epsilon', ie the smallest distance that can be recognized by the floating point arithmetic of the machine. It is...
10 October 2013 3,179 4 View
As everybody knows pi=L/(2*R)=L/D is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter for any circle. It is an irrational and transcendental number and since now we have discovered over 10^12 digits...
10 October 2013 1,380 71 View
The Convex Programing is a wide range field and uses many methods in order to solve every particular convex problem. After so many years of implementation, do you really believe that still exist...
10 October 2013 1,029 11 View
Just count down: *the number of Scientific Journals in circulation. *the total number of universities worldwide *the research institutes around us *how many students exist at all So what? Did our...
07 July 2013 1,976 11 View
Let's have a set of (xi,yi), i=1,2,...,n data for which we do not know anything at all about its hidden functional yi=f(xi) form. We want to find the true function f() with non parametric methods,...
06 June 2013 753 46 View
It is supposed that Matlab uses binary floating point arithmetic, so we should expect that it could recognise exact binary numbers with no error. Look at the example: >> format...
05 May 2013 2,328 6 View
In 2010 Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 100 (May 2010): 573–578 a paper named "Growth in a Time of Debt" that had to play a central...
04 April 2013 8,656 14 View
I am dealing with the proof of classical CLT as is presented in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_limit_theorem last updated: 11 April 2013 at 16:37. The crucial argument at that proof is...
04 April 2013 5,471 16 View
I am seeking for online available (Xi,Yi) or (Ti,Yi), i=1,2,...,n sigmoid data for the disciplines: utility function theory, economic growth, population growth, technological substitution, risk...
04 April 2013 3,822 4 View
In many disciplines a common research route is: a) adopt a model with independent and dependent variables b) regress given data on the model with a suitable technique c) present results and do...
03 March 2013 4,329 26 View
Two methods for identifying the inflection point of a curve have been established: 1)they work similar to the bisection method with controlled accuracy 2)they work for errored data as consistent...
02 February 2013 491 1 View
Which is the proper Journal for peer-review publishing of two new methods identifying the inflection point of a curve? Two methods for identifying the inflection point of a curve have been...
02 February 2013 3,852 3 View
Several new algorithms are presented every day, but when somebody is trying to reproduce outputs then he has to 'build' code in R, FORTRAN, Matlab etc by himself. I think that this is one strong...
02 February 2013 6,797 10 View
As all scientists know in one way or another, publishing in a traditional journal which follows the peer-review method is at least a suffering, painful and time wasting process. Lets list some...
01 January 1970 6,666 44 View
Last 50 years we have a new way of scientific working that of the 'Big Projects'. Many countries co-operate and create a big organization like CERN, LIGO (in Physics) or IMF, OECD (in...
01 January 1970 7,652 29 View
Dear friends, Starting from 2012 with CERN, next step was LIGO in 2016 and last project is EHT. All of the above had one specific task to perform and all were a 'great success' with their relevant...
01 January 1970 4,703 14 View