As all scientists know in one way or another, publishing in a traditional journal which follows the peer-review method is at least a suffering, painful and time wasting process.
Lets list some known issues, just for the discussion to begin:
There exists a bias towards specific ethnicity races (third world scientists have felt that)There exists a silent prohibition for publishing against mainstream dogma (try to publish against relativity theories)Editors of high impact factor journals often use their authority in order to prevent publishing theories that are opposed to their personal ones Editors publish on the same time their articles in the journal where they reject other competitive submitted worksBlind review is not so "blind"Independency of reviewers is a myth: Editor in Chief actually choose the reviewers that -given their publication history- can lead to a rejection or approvement of the submitted articleOpen access option is an option only for high income personsEditorial times are in most cases at least a disaster for someone that waits 'something' from a publicationYou are not allowed to do multi submissions howeverGiant publishing companies increase their profits by using the vanity of wannabe researchers without even sending a hard copy to the authors!Now go to the not so far past and think:
Musicians who wanted to release their album had to pass a hard review from "editors" of music companiesTheir compensation was under complex legal contracts, in most of the cases against themMany kind of lyrics were forbidden Music Companies were so profitable as Publishing Companies of todayDo you remember what followed?
A rather insignificant company named "Google" begun a rather provoked web site named "YouTube" where everyone could upload his/her music video.
That was!
Music industry in its former status just gone away!
Lets come to ResearchGate (RG) now:
RG offers to everyone the opportunity to upload his/her scientific work immediately without any kind of screening RG does not apply any kind of soft screening like ArxivOrg or SSRN doRG gives you a DOI like any formal journalRG guarantees that your work will be visible by thousands of researchers and not only by a specific small audience, the readers of the journalRG gives you the opportunity for your work to be judged under an open, transparent and fair way: you always know who writes against you (not like the "unknown reviewers")So, given that visibility increases citations and that adds to the status of a researcher, what do you think:
- Will ResearchGate replace Journals just like YouTube replaced Music Companies?