Everybody has his/her experiences about how much % dirty job is 'doing science'. I am just pointing some examples here:
1)The Publish or Perish industry: It is a big trade with enormous publishing companies which obtain great profits, while they use volunteers for reviewing purposes. Sometimes you have to pay for getting published. Other times it is necessary to belong to a closed club of a 'society' which publishes only its members works. Many times you have to know just an Editor of a Journal in order to publish your work. Don't you think that all this process is a dirty one?
2)The academic professional elections: How much % clear and faithful is the election of a Professor? Many times are political reasons. Other times (most of the times) are just the network of contacts. A few times are just sexual reasons. So, do you really believe that the acedemic elections are not a dirty job?
3)The patents industry: Somebody is the Chief, others are just working like ants. The Patent usually goes to the Chief. (Others may be pleased because they weren't unemployed)
So, how much per cent is 'doing science' a dirty job?