27 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Annadurai Shanmuganathan
There are four groups in our study and we measured the study parameters in two different time period in each group. So, there are two data for each group, for instance food intake from 01-30 days...
11 November 2016 8,438 1 View
I do understand that, by reviewing the literature we can collect the information about the phytochemicals of the medicinal plants. I am interested to know that, is there any repository or database...
04 April 2015 359 10 View
Usually, when we are preparing the solution by mixing the solvent and solute, I understand that it has been dissolved or not, only by inspection. But, I want to know if there is any parameter by...
02 February 2015 3,110 3 View
I need to execute the experiment on Triton WR 1339 induced hyperlipidemic rat model. The dose of Triton is 200mg/kg of body weight. I need some tips concerning this: 1. It is observed that many...
02 February 2015 1,500 3 View
In order to screen the hypolipidemic drugs, Triton induced hyperlipidemic animal model is being used. In most of the papers, Triton WR 1339 (tyloxapal) was used to induce hyperlipidemia. However,...
01 January 2015 3,450 3 View
While searching chemical catalog for paraffin wax (for histology), I have seen that, "paraffin wax (non caking)". I searched many books and browsed enough to understand the meaning for the word...
12 December 2014 7,461 9 View
We need to test our herbal drug with diet induced hyperlipidemic animal model (Sprague Dawley rats) and we have gone through literature to know about high fat diet. There are many protocols...
12 December 2014 2,114 2 View
In our laboratory, we are doing basic research on herbal plants and the present study involves polyherbal formulation (combination of 3 plants); we need to prepare aqueous extract for each 3...
11 November 2014 8,125 5 View
For histopathological studies, It is necessary to make whole animal perfusion on the laboratory experimental animals, i.e. rat or mice. What are the parameters can be considered to confirm that,...
11 November 2014 6,475 9 View
We are going to buy a real time PCR instrument for our laboratory and we received a quotation from BioRad, Applied Biosystem and Roche companies. The price of all three makes is feasible with our...
10 October 2014 2,891 15 View
I understand that there are several methods available to prepare plant extract namely maceration, decoction, infusion, Soxhlet Extraction, Microwave assisted extraction (MAE), supercritical fluid...
10 October 2014 836 9 View
We are using SHIMADZHU UV-1800 spectrophotometer in our laboratory. The UV probe 2.34 version software was installed in desktop, which runs with windows XP. Our existing UV probe software is not...
09 September 2014 802 7 View
In order to perform a colorimetric assay (by spectrophotometer), generally two types of protocol were described in literature, i.e. standard assay vs micro plate assay. In common perspective, i do...
09 September 2014 5,958 4 View
Earlier, I have used one way ANOVA only with equal sample sizes between groups. Presently, I need to do one way ANOVA with unequal sample size between groups A and B. Is there any special...
08 August 2014 3,138 16 View
As we know that microarray and qPCR are both being employed to study the gene expression and arbitrarily, 2 fold change is considered to declare the genes as deferentially expressed. What is the...
08 August 2014 3,873 8 View
Presently, I am using the Lowry method to estimate the protein concentration, however, I need to practice the Bradford method. As you all know that it entails Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 dye...
07 July 2014 8,196 2 View
In human, we can get a capillary blood by finger pricking method. I need to know about the methods in rat to collect the capillary blood sample.
06 June 2014 8,395 3 View
Is there any specific protocol to quantify vitamin C concentration in skeletal muscle tissue samples? While scanning the literature I came to understand the HPLC assay is the standard method to...
05 May 2014 3,622 3 View
The drug concentration to be given to the rat is 400mg/kg. If I prepare the 8% stock drug solution, 4gm of the extract is dissolved in 50ml of the solvent. Theoretically, if I take 1 ml from the...
04 April 2014 207 3 View
In our pilot study, we have to analyze human RBCs for their osmotic fragility. We have started to do the basic procedure, i.e. preparation of sodium chloride solutions with various concentrations...
03 March 2014 247 7 View
If we need to confirm whether vitamin C functions properly under a given clinical condition, what are the parameters to be considered in the case of human subjects? (Usually, it is custom to...
03 March 2014 5,533 2 View
In our experiment, we have got to quantify the GLUT 1 Protein, expressed in RBCs of two different groups (Human Blood Sample). While considering the facility in our laboratory, there are two...
02 February 2014 4,979 11 View
As we know, many blood group systems exist in a human being besides ABO and Rh blood group system. Is it feasible to identify the status of all blood group systems (33 systems comprise nearly 300...
11 November 2013 672 6 View
I am very sorry to encroach your time by asking very basic questions. 1. I understood that a gene is a nucleotide bases in the template strand (non-coding strand or non-sense strand). Am I...
09 September 2013 1,776 2 View
I want to study the effect of artificial sweeteners in the diabetic rat model. The diabetic rat model is induced by giving high fat diet for 2 months. After making the rat diabetic (type II) , I...
08 August 2013 3,234 1 View
I want to measure the expression of a target between two conditions such as cancer vs normal. To achieve this, which method is ideal, i.e. whether absolute quantification or relative quantification?
08 August 2013 8,991 2 View
I have searched in NCBI-Gene database for this gene. However, the results showed only for Homo sapiens (Human) and Mus muscularis (mouse). Can i conclude that this gene is not present in the...
07 July 2013 8,641 2 View