I found primer sequences for checking genetic expression of leptin in Aston strain mice. I was wondering if they would work on tissues harvested from swiss webster mice?
Almost certainly, yes. Genetic variation between individual strains of mice is non-zero, but the chance of getting sufficient mismatch between two strains such that PCR primers can't be used in both is...vanishingly small.
Hello Tania, it is unlikely that you will have a problem. Unless the region of the gene where the primers hybridize is significantly different, you should get amplification. However, one way to check is to download the gene from genebank and align the sequences. Alternatively you can go to NCBI and perform a BLAST with your primers and select mouse as the organism. There will most likely be both strains of mice and you can confirm how your primer will hybridize with both regions of the gene.
Even if the mouse strains you are interested in are not in this database, you should be considerably reassured that there is not a likely difference between them, if there is no variation that has been detected in the 36 mouse strains that have been sequenced and compared.