7 Questions 268 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from David F. Barker
BGI Americas is offering an apparently attractive promotion for RNA-seq and Bioinformatics services. http://bgiamericas.com/rna-seq-promotion/ Any suggestions for what a buyer should beware of or...
10 October 2013 619 3 View
I recently noticed and confirmed experimentally that the mouse 18S rRNA qPCR primers sold by a company that does not provide explicit primer sequence information actually specifically amplifies...
09 September 2013 8,254 1 View
In experiments designed to test the effect of diet/drugs etc. on the mouse microbiome, one could assume that the initial microbial content of each mouse of one commercially-sourced set of mice is...
03 March 2013 3,430 10 View
When using Sybr green or TaqMan qPCR assays to measure gene expression changes, can differences that are less than at least two-fold be taken as credible? What minimum fold-change or percent...
02 February 2013 1,808 44 View
To obtain a quick, but reasonably accurate metagenomic profile or fingerprint without any deep sequencing, I have seen the use of both 16S rRNA analyzed with denaturing gradient electrophoresis...
10 October 2012 6,369 16 View
Is there any particular advantage, other than the smaller insert size, to expressing an shRNA rather than a microRNA primary transcript when using a lentiviral delivery system?
09 September 2012 972 8 View
What refined analysis is possible and are they reliable?
07 July 2012 6,101 5 View