I am a beginner of western blot and from some days I have been facing a lot of problems . My experimental protein size is 124kDA and I choose Beta Actin as a loading control which is small molecular weight protein.Generally, it is suggested that during high MW transfer, one should use wet transfer.When I have transferred the entire gel into PVDF membrane (0.45um) at 60V for 40mins, there was nothing( ladder) left neither into the gel nor gel and pads. First I thought that the time is too long for the smaller one, so I cut the gel into two pieces and tried to transfer the bigger one at 60V for 40mins and smaller one for 30mins but I got the same result.There was no sign of ladder into the membrane. My transfer buffer composition is 20% methanol, 48mM tris-base, 39mM glycine and SDS 0.1% final concentration.Is there any problem in buffer composition or the transfer parameters?

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