For my promoter activity analysis, I take 0.12pmol of each different size of construct and 1:100 ratio of renilla vector. I balance the amount of total vector using a filler plasmid.

1) Construct 1= Firefly 500ng + Renilla 5ng+ Filler 5ng ( Total 510ng)

2) Construct 2= Firefly 480ng + Renilla 4.8ng+ Filler 25.2ng ( Total 510ng)

Because I maintain 1:100 ratio, so depending on my firefly , I change the renilla amount. Some papers, I observed that although they maintain equal molar of firefly plasmids of different sizes, but take same amount of renilla plasmid, not same ratio. Which one is correct- same amount or same ratio?

Looking forward for your reply

Thank you

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