I am doing site-directed mutagenesis using Inverse-PCR method to mutate a 10bp region of my insert. My vector plus insert size is 5.6kb. I am using Pfu polymerase from NEB to amplify my plasmid using mutagenesis specific primers.But, every time I notice bands around 3kb bp and 10kb , which is similar to the non-digested plasmid band. There is no specific band around 5-6kb in agarose gel. I have also just directly transformed my PCR product into the bacteria after DpnI digestion but that also did not give any colony. I have set a gradient from 57 to 66 C but, every temp. have shown the same result. The condition of the phusion PCR is-

1) Initial denaturation at 98C- 30sec

2) Then, 98 for 10 sec, annealing temperature for 30 sec, extension for 5 min ( each cycle) at 72C and final extension for 10min.

Any suggestion regarding this problem would be welcomed and appreciated .

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