09 September 2016 5 4K Report

Hi all

I used NP40 lysis buffer for HeLa cells and HEK293T cells and used the whole cell lysates to do Western blot. The main purpose was to determine what cell line express endogenous IGF-1R beta.

I used Bolt 4-12% Bis-Tris Plus Gels in Bolt® MES SDS running buffer and loaded 60 micrograms of the lysate (reduced and heated for 5 mins at 95 degrees). I ran the gel at 140 V for 60 minutes. 

The primary antibody I used is polyclonal anti-rabbit IGF-1R beta (sc-713, 1/100 dilution).

The molecular weight of IGF-1R beta is 97 kDa however, the bands in HeLa cells appear a bit lower than expected. Therefore I am not very confident about whether the bands really represent IGF-1R beta.

Does anyone have the similar experience before? Can I argue that these bands seen in HeLa cells are IGF-1R beta?

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