12 December 2017 4 422 Report

I have two groups of mice (n= 6 per group), treatment and control. I am measuring tumour size of these mice every day for 3 weeks. The size will be averaged in each group and I am plotting it over a X and Y axis graph (X = timelines, Y = Tumour size). If I want to show if there is any difference in the tumour volumes between the treatment and control group over the 3 weeks of experimental period, what kind of statistical test can I use?

I was initially thinking of using student's t-test at each time-point for 3 weeks, but I was advised that this would be less powerful, and student's t-test should be used when you want to know the statistical difference between the two groups at "one time-point', rather than multiple time-points.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

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