I have attempted two southern blot procedures that ultimately failed. Two putative transformed plants, negative control plant, and positive control plasmid were studied for the blots. Extraction, digestion, gel electrophoresis, and positively charged nylon membrane transfers appeared successful. Two different techniques were used- biotin labelled probe and DIG random primer labelling.
For the first (and darker) blot, a biotin labelled probe was used and the blot was left overnight In the dark for detection. The blot looks exactly the same as the gel transferred onto it and it appears to be overcooked or have a lot of background issues occurring.
For the second attempt, DIG starter kit I was purchased along with a DIG Block and Wash set. It seems only the positive control plasmid has appeared and seems to look similar to gel as well.
Any suggestions on what problems are occurring and how to fix them are highly appreciated.