04 April 2015 16 4K Report

I have started working with primary human and murine macrophages and have successfully differentiated and used for infection experiments. I perform mostly CFU assays with bacteria. Although, I need to use them for other type of experiments as well. 

The other experiments might involve Flow cytometry and imaging and I have two major concerns regarding these experiments:

Concern 1: For flow cytometry I would have to detach the macrophages from the surface of tissue culture wells and in doing so, I had tried trypsin but was not satisfied with the results ( Seriously sticky chaps ! ). I also found out that scraping using a rubber policeman or cell scraper might work although did not try yet. So I need some suggestions regarding how to detach them the best way.

Concern 2: For imaging, we usually culture cells on glass cover slips in tissue culture wells. Can we do this with Macrophages as well or there is a limitation in adherence to glass ? Please suggest

Looking forward to get some helpful tips.  

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