Dear all,
I usually use cell media with phenol red. However, I need to use media without phenol red since I need to measure fluorescence from the media. As far as I am concerned, there has only been reported that phenol red has some estrogenic effect in MCF7 cancer cells. But nothing has been reported about the effects of phenol red in brain metastatic cell lines and in microglia or other brain resident cells. If you know something about it, please let me know.
I have also been looking around if there are any differences between media with and without phenol red. Indeed, there are some and I was wondering if any of you could tell me what they are due to or if these changes can affect my experimental results. Here I spot the differences.
- Whereas in DMEM with phenol, L-Tyrosine is used, in DMEM without phenol L-Tyrosine disodium salt dihydrate is used. The concentration of these aminoacids is also different.
-Sodium Pyruvate is present in DMEM with phenol red and absent in DMEM without phenol red.
-The final concentration of CaCl2-2H20, MgSO4-7H2O and NaH2PO4-H20 is different in these media.
Moreover, we are about to buy a cell line from ATCC and they recommend us to use their DMEM media. I think I will use DMEM media from Gibco since this is the one we currently use and we have. Do you think this can affect cell growth or our results?
Thank you in advance,