
I have native plasma membrane extracts from mouse brain which I am running on BN-PAGE gels.

We have tested several concentrations of DDM and Digitonin, and 1% DDM + 1% Digitonin in 1X Native PAGE sample buffer gave best results.

I am using 4-16% Novex Bis-Tris NativePAGE gels. They are run at 150V and I replace the dark blue cathode buffer with light blue cathode buffer 1/3 through the run.

I add 1uL of Coomassie G-250 5% sample additive to each sample.

My protein of interest is a connexin (which forms homohexamers around 500kDa and gap junctions around 1000kDa) with a high pI (~9). Heterohexamers can be of varying sizes.

I am using an aquaporin as a "control" (pI 7).

I have attached an image of my problem (membrane after blotting, cut and developed with Cx and AQP antibody).

As you see in wells 5-7:

- I have strong staining for my connexin, especially in the wells.

- I have bands in the right range (for hexamer and gap junction), however, they are completely streaked (could be explained by heterohexamers which do occur).

- The aquaporin runs fine and shows expected bands at right size.

Things I have tried:

- Running at 120V for 10 min before increasing voltage to 150V for the remainder of the run.

- Adding Triton X-100 to the sample (0.01%)

- Adding double amount of loading dye (With Coomassie).

- We have tested running 1.25 to 20ug of protein - samples still get stuck in well.

- I have also tried TGX gels with Tris-Glycine buffer (no SDS) and "inverting the electrodes" which did not seem to work (no protein on gel or membrane).

My biggest problem is that most of the connexin signal is stuck in the well.

Does anyone have an tips for improving the migration of connexin in the gel?


Nadia Skauli

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